Saturday, September 03, 2016

2016 Summer September 3 Saturday

2016 Summer September 3 Saturday

69 degrees this morning.  Walk 36:32 minutes 

Definite coolness in the air this morning.  Sitting on the patio, at least for awhile.  Actually it isn’t as cool as it was yesterday in spite of the cooler temperature.  

Reading a Newsletter from a person whose thoughts definitely make you think.  While I don’t agree with everything he says by any means, he has the ability to put into words some of my thoughts.

It is one of those things you read and you think that that was what you were thinking, but you just hadn’t put it into words!

Actually, in a way I would call him a pessimist, but his theory appears to be that he is providing assistance on how his readers can deal with what is going to happen and even make money while doing so.  

So, maybe he is an optimist since he feels he can advise his readers how to deal with the situation and how to even profit from it.

In a way, he is saying “this is the way it is, this is how to deal with it”!  Fair enough!

I have to agree, this is one of the more unusual  Presidential elections I have seen or even read about in history (as far as the United States).  

I think it makes me feel that things that happen only in “other countries” could happen here. 

I first noticed extremists/“single issue” candidates running locally some years ago, and then it seemed to go to the state and national level where extremists run for the sole purpose of getting some extremist view in operation rather than the good of the city, state or nation.  

Anyway, the Newsletter, agree or disagree, makes you think about what (at least I) have always felt was improbable  in the United States.  Of course, I saw it in a small city an election that basically destroyed the city, but I never thought I would see it on a national basis. Of course, it has happened in states and is certainly happening now to the determinant of the citizens.

Some trends that make me think the Newsletter has some validity is the nature of the Presidential election, the trend of “permanent unemployment” of some sections of the population, and the continued spread of extremist laws etc. basically targeting the regular citizen for reduced services while benefiting the “good old boys and girls” friends and supporters etc.

One trend that I feel really created a problem is the “term limits”.  In my opinion, it encourages legislatures etc. to pile up the wealth and benefit their supports and try to ram all kinds of extremist views while they are in office since they won’t get the chance again.  It really has almost eliminated cooperation in the name of benefiting the citizens.  

I think the writer of the Newsletter would probably disagree with me on that, but I disagree with him on a lot also.  
I think the Newsletter points out some important trends that maybe can help stop the destructive nature of some of the trends.  

Denial certainly isn’t going to be a solution.

Start of the a 3 day holiday, which is always nice.  Actually, I like both the 3 day Holidays and the “middle of the week” Holiday also.  Both of them have their advantages (and disadvantages)  

I think something like 8 of the recognized Holidays are in the time from November 11 to February 20 (give or take a few days), which means 2/3 of the holidays are in a 4 month period. 

I guess that helps it make up for the cold weather and snow etc.! 

That’s it for now, Saturday, September 3, 2016.

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