Friday, September 02, 2016

2016 Summer September 2 Friday

2016 Summer September 2 Friday

73 degrees this morning, walk 36:21 minutes 

I can feel the coolness this morning, almost too cool to sit out on the patio.  While the temperature is the same as other mornings, it is much cooler this morning.  

I actually could feel it as soon as I walked out to start my walk and I really notice it sitting on the patio.  

Today marks the second anniversary of the start of my new job.  Two years, a relatively short time and yet not short in terms of change.  

I remember going down on my first day, still somewhat unsure even where to park (I still don’t know that!).  Except for the pay, I couldn’t have found  a  better job for me if I had planned it.  I really enjoy it and feel like I am helping people in a different aspect than my previous career.  

I have learned a lot over the past two years, but it seems almost every day (well, at least every week, sometimes once every couple days, but sometimes several times in one day), I learn something new, which keeps the job interesting.

I have to admit 3 years ago I wouldn’t have imagined myself in this job and certainly not 4 years ago, but I would have been disappointed if I haven’t had the experience.  Of course, if I hadn’t had the experience, I wouldn’t have known what I was missing, but that is academic, I do know it.

Last night was the last “regular” game of the AAA team here.  They are in the playoffs, which basically means we will see a whole new team since most of the team we know now will be called up to the Major Leagues.  We feel great for them, that is the nature and purpose of the AAA team, but it really makes any “playoffs” a disappointment.  

Labor day weekend coming up.  I like the holiday, except it basically marks the end of the Summer of 2016.  Of course, I enjoy any holiday.  As I have noted, I like holidays better than vacation leave, since the entire organization is on holiday.  In my current job I don’t need to worry about getting called over the holiday or on vacation leave for that matter, so it shouldn’t  really matter, but I still really like and appreciate the holidays.

Saw a short note that the “SpaceX” rocket had blown up with the Facebook satellite  that was supposed to  beam free internet to Africa (I believe that is correct).

As I mentioned yesterday about the excessive ethanol in gasoline, so much of what we do is based on depending on someone else to do their part correctly.  I don’t know the reason for the explosion, but it is probably some small device that someone overlooked.  

Actually, I was thinking, that  ten years ago that story wouldn’t have made any sense to anyone.  A private space company, “Facebook” or even the idea of beaming internet to Africa!

The coolness finally got to be too much, I have moved inside  I probably should enjoy the coolness, but I miss the summer heat already.  

The air was just a little too crisp for me this morning!  Maybe it is too much too soon.

Today will be an Offie day.  I actually had two straight days in the field,so it will be nice to spend a day on office activities and catching up.

Looking forward to a three day weekend!

That’s it of now, Friday, September 2, 2016.  

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