Thursday, April 30, 2020

2020 Spring April 30 Thursday


50 degrees this morning,  76% humidity

Yesterday was very windy a little cool.  Wind up to 25 mph, 20-25 mph wind most of the day up to evening.  

Decided to walk, even though it was about 65 degrees and windy at 25 mph,

Weights this morning, sit-ups, barbells, bench press.

Walk, 22:51 minutes, pace 1:29 seconds slower than my goal. The wind obviously slowed me down today, I’m a little surprised at my low pace, but I figure at least I am walking!

I do use a bandanna around my mouth (wrapped up so it looks like a virus mask, not like the hold-up men in Western)!  I haven’t coughed at all, which is amazing, as long as it keeps working, or whatever is working is working. 

Wind is part of this area, so I need to walk in the wind to walk!  Kind of like if I want to bicycle I need to do it in the wind.

 Another day of the “new normal”.  Each day is completely different yet somewhat the same if that makes sense. 

Tomorrow is supposed to be “Opening Day” for retail in a sense, although, as I have noted before, it won’t change much for us as long as the virus is still active.  

We’ll just wear a mask and use sanitizer a lot when we do go out, but right now we are just going to keep getting deliveries, no contact pick up and drive thru or pickup at the curb.  

They are being very careful at work.  I feel it will be reasonably safe before we are expected to go out in the field again.  

My “virus beard” is coming along, still premature to decide what it will look like.  I thought it was coming in slow, until I remembered that my beard used to be red, but it is probably now gray! I figure I can cut it anytime I want. 

The “great course” on “Confucius, Buddha, Jesus and Mohammad” is now shifting into the Buddha, but my mind is still on Confucius and his thoughts.  

As they say, when you don’t know anything about something, anything your learn is a lot!

One  theme of Confucius is that his philosophy is that humans are unfinished beings, whose life’s work is to bring themselves to completion, never perfect, but closer.  

Something almost all “self help” books emphasize is a major thought of Confucius, that “one is destined to fail before one succeeds”.  He emphasizes that failure is necessary for success, so to speak.  In fact Confucius felt that failure was essential to any success since failure increases strength by having the “gumption” to get on the straight path again.  “Practice makes Perfect”!

I like to repeat what I learn because that is one way I remember it. 

April 30, 2020 already.  It has definitely been  a unique year, so to speak.

That’s it for now, Thursday, April 30, 2020.


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