Tuesday, October 22, 2019

2019 Fall October 22 Tuesday


55 degrees this morning,   27% humidity 

Wonderful day yesterday, a little coolish.

Corrected the “day” on yesterday’s post!  Vacation can mix your week up!  (I had “Sunday” rather than “Monday”).

Vacation continues.  Enjoyable day yesterday.  Time always goes fast while I am on vacation.  When it started it seemed like a lot of time, but it is going fast.  As normal, I am getting confused about the days!  I wonder what will happen when I retire!  

I expect part of it is that I do have a routine connected to my job that has temporarily changed  and after I retire, I will have a routine also.  

Continued reading of  The Institute (by Stephen King).  As with his best novels, he draws you into the story.  It is good, although the subject is rather disturbing, made a little better with the knowledge that events will turn on the criminals in the book!  I hope anyway.

Used the camera on the new iPhone today.  I need to learn more about the operation of the camera(s) on the phone, but I am impressed by it.  I will need to review the pictures etc. yet.  

Especially since digital camera’s have become prevalent, I tend to take too many pictures and “weed out” all but the best.  This works well in theory, but in practice is a little harder to do it!  

I always have a difficult time weeding out “all but the best” since it is hard to determine just exactly which picture is the “best”.   There are always slight differences in each picture that make it difficult to choose a final “best”.  

Since there is really no “limit” on the number of pictures I store that makes it even more difficult since I really don’t have to make a decision on it!

 At least my  procedure helps me to get rid of the “worst” of the pictures.  Normally I start with the idea of “deleting the worst” rather the selection of the best!  It extends the period a little longer, but I think it is more effective.  

I wouldn’t approach many decisions in such a procedure, but I think there is a reason it works well for pictures. 

I am making picture organization one of my priorities on my “personal Strategic  Plan.  I believe I will organize them by year and then by the subject to get my photo’s.

I think the organization of the pictures is important and hopefully I will get started on it. This is one of those projects if I allot 15 minutes per day to it, I could get it completed.  The problem is that all of my “15 minute” projects take up more time than I have!

That’s in for now, Tuesday, October 22, 2019.


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