Monday, October 21, 2019

2019 Fall October 21 Sunday


55 degrees this morning, 22% humidity

Wonderful  day yesterday.  No rain, high 73 degrees.  

The low humidity has made a big difference in my coughing. Almost no coughing since I have been in a low humidity area.  Of course, it could be something I am allergic too also.  

The iPhone 11 is seeming better all the time.  It is a wonderful phone.  I have already decided my prodding iPhone 6+ I use for a work phone is going to have to go and I am going to put both lines on the iPhone 11, as long as I can separate the lines.  I need to make sure the lines are separate.  

I don’t quite understand how it works, I have read quite a bit about how it works, but I am going to take it to my phone carrier and see what they say.  

Reading the latest Stephen King novel, “The Institute”  As far as I am concerned, it is a classic King novel and keeps you reading late at night, except I don’t read late at night anymore, at least unless I am on vacation.  

I can remember reading “It” until 2 or 3 a.m. on weekends and got up to check the drains in the bathroom!  “It” was a very scary novel.  Probably his first novel “Carrie’ was a scary as any, although “Pet Sematary” was scary.  

Some of his novels became too predictable and complex and I kind of quit reading his books, but the last several have been good.  I’ll have fun going back and reading the ones I have missed!

We recently started listening to the latest John Grisham book, after deciding not to listen or read any more of them since the endings are always horrible and they have almost become so predictable. I used to read several authors that I quit reading simply because I con almost predict the plot, just have to change the names, It just became boring.  

Grisham is a good enough writer he doesn’t become boring, except maybe “The Runaway Jury” which I quit reading in disgust.

There  is nothing like an excellent book that develops a “flow” and you suddenly know you are involved in it and you just want to keep reading it to see what happens.  There is really nothing better than a good book that “gets in the flow” and you can’t hardly stand not to be reading it!

As I noted yesterday, this is the anniversary of my first “career” job.  I have thought about it and still remember how I felt when I first went to work.  Probably more confident than I should have been if I had known how little I knew and how much I had to learn1  

But if you knew what you didn’t know you may never start.  I know after 10 years of so I looked back and wondered how in the world I survived with what little I knew when I started.

Same with my current job.

That’s it for now, Monday, October 31, 2019.


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