Wednesday, October 16, 2019

2019 Fall October 16 WEdnesday


47 degrees this morning  64%  humidity

Overall nice day yesterday.  No rain, high 80 degrees.  

Walk:  27:23 minutes.  Pace was 30 seconds faster than goal!

Got my new iPhone today. Set it up, but still need to get a Sim card etc.  Very impressive from what I have see thus far.  

Of course, I will need to get used to the new procedures and that will take some time especially considering  that I am still using an old phone that I use for work.  Hope I don’t get too mixed up!

There is a provision in the new phone that will let me have two phone lines and I may need to investigate that.  I don’t know it that will work for what I need.

Usually I use the work phone during the day and then my other phone for  personal calls and at night and on weekends.  It may be too difficult to shut down one phone after work if both lines are on one phone.  I’ll check  on it.  

The key to dealing with two lines on one phone is being able to know which line is being called or used!  It would be a relief to only have and have to keep track of one phone! 

My “work phone” will probably need a new battery in the near future, but it is still a lot cheaper than buying a new phone and my current phone will work just as well for work.   

With the Apple Watch, it is easy to find your phone, which is a big advantage of he Apple watch!

One problem with taking a vacation is the ie you have to prepare before you leave and the mountain of work when you get back!  It is good to get away, so I don’t mind scrambling to insure that everything is done before I leave.

Watched the Democratic debates tonight.  It was nice to hear disagreement without the lies, vile lying personal attacks on “enemies” that the lying coward lunatic stoops too. 

Disagreement is fine, but the lying coward lunatic really lives in the gutter and is such a chronic liar, he doesn’t even know the truth anymore  

While I enjoy vacations for the opportunity to do something new, I also like having some time to ponder, think about projects I am working on and generally have time without having to go to work.  

All of our MLB teams wimped out and lost in the playoffs, so we aren’t watching the World Series this year.  Spoiled grapes, but we hope both of them lose.

That’s it for now, Wednesday, October 16, 2019.  


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