Sunday, December 31, 2017

2017 Winter December 31 Sunday

19 degrees this morning, (feels like 2 degrees).  No walk, occasional patches of ice etc.

Yesterday morning I mentioned it was 31 degrees when I got up and walked.  About 7:00 a.m., it was down to 19 degrees!  

Also, there was a light mist that caused some frozen patches that was completely missed by the weather apps at least.  

I don’t mind walking in the cold (although I don’t necessarily like it and like hot weather a lot better), I do mind slick areas!

Even though the weather kind of limited us yesterday (and probably will today and tomorrow), it has still been a good weekend thus far.  

When I am in the middle of something I have been waiting for (like a 3 day weekend!), I try to occasionally “be in the moment” and enjoy what I have been anticipating!   I need to realize I don’t need to do anything “special” to enjoy the time, although if there is something special that is all to the good!

Last day of 2017. While I normally don’t make resolutions as such, it is a good time to review projects  see where they are.

Just thinking about “Evernote” again.  While I occasionally take a stab at using it, somehow I just don’t use it much, other than as information storage.   

Part of it may be I use the phone calendar for planning and sort of an alarm and reminder and “Notes” is excellent for making notes etc., especially since with iCloud, all of my devices are updated with the same information  

The “Contacts” are an excellent way for me to keep track of people etc.  I have gotten relatively good at updating it with every contact.  

It may be that Evernote is just obsolete, like the old flashlight apps etc. 

My pictures of my Hot Wheels has somewhat stalled while I try to figure out how to get better pictures.  I decided that the documentation was the important thing, but it is still difficult to post what I feel are picture that don’t do justice to the subject!

Another photo related item is reviewing all of my photos and deleting many of them (duplicates, poor quality etc.  Eventually I want to put them all into some sort of photo book.

Aliene’s project of getting all of her family photos for the past 100 years + (literally) is progressing well, thanks to Kali and Katherine working on the project.  They are already up into the early 2000’s..  Aliene and her mother spent a lot of time putting the photos into phone books.

I’ll continue this tomorrow.  While I don’t have any length I try to keep this daily post, I don’t want to make it too long, plus I just thought of a status report on all of my projects, so some “review time” may be beneficial as I ponder on the status report.

That’s it for now, Sunday, December 31, 2017, the last day of 2017.

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