Sunday, September 22, 2019

2019 Summer September 22 Sunday


73 Degrees this morning 94% humidity.  Thunderstorms, rain this morning.  

Rain yesterday morning, early, and then starting about 9;30 a.m.  it kind of defined the day.  Otherwise a nice day, although cloudy.  High was about 87 degrees but didn’t really feel like it.

We made the visit to the Apple Store yesterday.  Seeing the iPhone and iPad decided me really fast which one I wanted, based my needs based on size etc., as well as cost.  

It will be several weeks before I get the iPhone, although it could be much faster than the guide they provided for when it will be delivered.  I got the phone that was the same size I have now, I didn’t realize the largest phone was no larger than my “6”.  

I also looked at the iPad and decided the cheaper iPad Air was fine fo me, when I decide to purchase another one.  My current iPad’s are operating fine, even though they are six years old, so it doesn’t make a lot of sense to purchase another one, until I can define the reason or reasons I need it.  

Even just having fun is a reason for upgrading, but I can do almost anything I have having fun with my current ones.  I would like to get an Apple Pencil, but I’ll absorb the deductible for the car, the vacation and the phone before I buy a lot more.

Also ordered a case.  I like the ones that have the little card slot on one side.  The case will get here long before the phone.  

Also looked at the MacBook Air.  If they aren’t upgraded, I have a good idea what I want.  I saw a 15 inch, but then I saw the price of the MacBook Pro, and I decided to forget about that!

I don’t believe the MacBook Air has a 15” inch screen, but the 13” screen has done fine for me.

Again, I enjoyed the “buzz” of the Apple Store.  

Looked at the iWatch 5, although I am happy with my “3” and don’t have any thoughts about upgrading.  

Disgusted that I keep hitting the sore on my arm and re-opening the wound.  It delayed my swimming another two days.  

Weekend seems to have flown by, although the weekend is really slightly over 50% over.  I’m not sure if Sunday morning is over half over, I guess it is 2/3/over if you consider that 2 of the 3 “sleeps” of the weekend are over!

But I still have a full day of the weekend in front of me.  Hopefully it will stop raining, or at least not rain hard.  Right now it seems to be raining just enough to keep me from walking etc!  I have learned from experience it is better to take a break than attempt to walk in the rain.

That’s it for now, Sunday, September 22, 2019.


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