Saturday, September 28, 2019

2019 Fall September 28 Saturday


74 degrees this morning, 72% humidity wind 16 mph

Overall excellent day yesterday, 93 degrees high. 

It is that time of year when the night air is somewhat coolish, even when it is hot.  If the sun isn’t shining, it is relatively cool.

Another weekend, thank goodness.  I was really for this one.  For some reason, the week seemed to go slow, although looking back, it sped by.  Several days of rain.

Yesterday my Mom died 22 years ago.  Looking back I wonder where the time went, especially when I remember her when she was my age now, and of course much younger.  

Received my new iPhone case yesterday.  Don’t know when the iPhone itself will arrive, probably several weeks yet.  I was hoping it would be sooner.  

I am getting it “unlocked” and “unactivated”, I may regret that decision.  I”ll see!  I couldn’t see any sense in paying Apple $125 the cell phone company will do free.  

I am trying to figure out how I can make more time in the morning.  Somehow time seems to fly and I keep trying to figure out where the time goes in the morning.  I know I must be wasting time “piddling”.  

I realize one problem is it is so easy to start looking at the news, scanning Facebook, or other activities that may seem interesting but also take time.  

I only am trying to figure out how I can fit walking and swimming into my morning routine and also allow for a nap or two before I go to work!  

On “Nextdoor” I read about the growing trend to not read the daily newspaper.  Maybe the time has passed for the newspaper, although I think the good ones who are creative on-line will survive.

I read again where the “Wall Street Journal” has basically become a propaganda  tool of the owners of “state tv” and they are killing any negative stories about the lying coward lunatic and his criminal activities.  

Apparently many of their best writers have left in protest and I have decided I don’t want to contribute a penny to the owners of state tv, which is a bunch of lies.

When I read the Apple News app, I can tell from the headlines for fox “news” that they are basically lies.  It shows when the headline information  is not seen on any of the “legitimate”  news media, which aren’t tools for the lying coward lunatic and his coward toadies. 

It is too bad, I have been reading he Wall Street Journal for years, but they have gotten too expensive anyway and now I can’t trust it to provide the truth anymore.  

That’s it for now, Saturday, September 28, 2019.


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