Monday, September 16, 2019

2019 Summer September 16 Monday


75 degrees this morning,77% humidity 

Nice day yesterday, high of around 94 degrees 

Exercise yesterday: 

Walk:  28:01, pace 20 seconds slower than goal
Outside bike:  24:43 minutes (afternoon)

Checked with Apple store, they don’t even have display units of the new iPhones until September 20.  I’m certainly not going to order anything like a cell phone without seeing it first.  

Since I don’t know which model I want, it is essential I see them and handle them etc.  Might not be quite as important for the iPad, since I am just going to order the entry level one.  (I think).

It probably will be two weeks before I see one and order it, although it might be next weekend.  

One of the big problems with swimming is if I scrape or cut myself I can’t swim until it is no longer an “open” wound. 

Since I have extremely thin skin (literally, not referring to my reaction to criticism) I scrape and cut myself frequently  Yesterday I just kine of scrape my arm on the door and not I’m not swimming for several days.  

Of course, riding the bicycle could pose hazards to my swimming!

Watching a copy of the evening news, glad I can speed through some of what they call “news”. .  I am not quite sure what some football player and his behavior (I don’t have any idea so this isn’t a judgement comment) or some pseudo “fight” by talk show hosts who are trying to  increase they audience should be considered “news”.  

I have no idea why they consider this stuff to be news.  I don’t follow NFL football, and I don’t watch talk shows.  I wouldn’t think of this as “news” even if I did.  
I don’t have any problem with them trying to increase their audience, but it is hardly “news”.  

End of another weekend and start of another “work week”.  Only another week until Fall starts and Summer is over.  Actually exactly another week.

Baseball season is down to two weeks to go, and then the playoffs and World Series. Usually about thie World Series time is the last of the times I can sit on the patio.  Yesterday  morning I sat on the patio, read and watched the full (or almost full) moon while I can!

That’s it for now, Monday, September 16, 2019.


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