Sunday, July 14, 2019

2019 Summer July 14 Sunday


76  Degrees this morning, 83 % humidity.  

Wonderful summer day yesterday, slightly cooler.  A “cold front” is coming 1through (90 degrees instead of 97 degrees as a high, a morning temperature of 76 instead of 83!  Varies each day but a little cooler!  I still prefer the hotter days!

Exercise Saturday:

Walk:  28:00 minutes, pace was 10 seconds slower than goal speed.
Swim:  21:07 minutes
Bike (outside):  22:09 minutes

A nice day for exercise outside. 

We went to the “quilt t-shirt” shop, but it was closed.  A lesson in calling in advance and realizing the internet isn’t always correct!  At least I am getting started in thinking about the “quilt” made of t-shirts.  Actually we are probably going with a smaller blanket (maybe a throw) since I want to have kind of a “theme” for each blanket.  I have LOTS of to-shirts but probably not enough in one theme.  Anyway we’ll see.

Also went to my favorite bicycle shop.  It does not have a large selection (no helmets in my size) but he does an excellent job of repair and will even pick up and deliver the bike at a modest charge.

Trying to get my bicycles outfitted so I can ride in the dark. There is a lot less traffic and it fits my schedule to bike in the early morning.  I looked on the Internet for ways to use the shifter to assist on hills etc, need to research this some more.  I never can keep it straight.  

50 years ago today, (7-14-69), I was in Kansas City waiting to enlist in the Air Force.  My official start date was 7-15-19.  Scary how fast time goes.  Considering my official start date it may have been tomorrow.  After 50 years, what’s a day or two!

Mentioned yesterday about a Facebook message basically saying “live in the present, time passes fast”.  A concept I strongly agree with or course.  

However, I think “expectations” is still an important point of “living in the present”.  While I realize they didn’t necessarily mean “use the good silver and dishes” literally, I think it is important to keep the silver and good dishes for “good” events etc. if that is something that is important to you.

Expectations are an important role in our lives and I think we need to have something, however minor, to look forward too, something we look forward to enjoying.  I think “using the good silver only for special events or people” is a valid way of “living in the present”.

Kind of like saving for retirement, you don’t spend all your money “living for today”. Actually at times in my life,  I had several  comments that kind of shaped my thinking about retirement.  

One was a comment by a relative that his “retirement” was provided for by his company and he was maximizing his contribution, so he didn’t worry if he spent the rest of his money on daily living.  (I assumed he still saved for emergencies and special purchases etc.), but I liked his reasoning.  Save for retirement, but use money to enjoy the present also.  

The other was when I was in my early 40’s and I had breakfast with another City Manager who told me how much was saving in a 457 (similar to a 401k) for government workers.  Let’s just say  he was saving close to what I was making at the time!  

That got me started on a small saving retirement strategy that I continue to this day.  As I have mentioned before, “continuous improvement” is away of life and a small amount periodically can add up.  May not be a fortune, but it helps.

That’s it for now, Sunday, July 14, 2019. 


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