Monday, May 11, 2020

2020 Spring May 11 Monday


56 degrees this morning 55% humidity

Weights, sit-ups, barbells, bench press.morning

Overall cool yesterday, but not real bad, except when wind was up the early part of the day.  Didn’t walk both due to coolish weather, wind and schedule.  

Probably one of the more unusual Mother's Day we’ll have.  Picked up our “Mother's Day” lunch and ate at home.

Mother's Day visits were limited to parking in front and visiting at least 6 feet apart.  Still overall a good day considering the current “reality”.  

Considering that we all have our jobs, aren’t completely stir crazy with cabin fever and don’t have the virus, it was a good day.  

I really don’t like the cooler weather, I am ready for warmer weather.

Back to work, a Monday.  Overall, it was a nice weekend.

Soon it will be 60 days since we have been in a business or actually had any contact with another person, other than receiving a take out mea, visiting at 6 feel , etc.

Work had fortunately taken a conservative view and it will be awhile before we go “in the field” again.  Since we have a lot of contacts in a lot of areas, it is probably be awhile before we take a chance. Hopefully the virus will die down, for a large number of reasons that I don’t have to specify!  

Watching the last season of “Longmire," which is my “lunch” entertainment, although I almost never watch it at lunch right now. I usually watched it at lunch while I was “in the field”  I watch it at other times, early in the morning, when we “starbucks” on the patio and other odd times.

I am actually watching each episode of the last season with regret, since I will miss the story, characters , etc. 

Probably the biggest fear about the pandemic is the number of permanent changes it will make in our lives.  A lot of businesses will probably close, although other businesses may start as the new “normal” is adjusted too, but obviously there will be a lot of financial pain.  

What is scary is if the unemployment rate stays so high, and the “rich/poor” status continues to widen.

Perhaps the worst thing that cold happen is that everything has to totally shut down again due to a second virus cycle (or a 3rd and 4th , etc.) due to people being too anxious for even a “new normal”.

That’s it for now, Monday, May 11, 2020.


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