Wednesday, January 15, 2020

2020 Winter January 15 Wednesday


57 degrees this morning,94% humidity 

Overall nice day yesterday, high of 68 degrees.  Little wind.  

Christmas is officially over, as all of the Christmas decorations have gone back to where they live for most of the year.  

We have noticed the days are getting noticeably “longer” as daylight lasts until past 6:00 p.m.  

Over my life I have watched the covers of Business Week for a major change in the market.  When a cover proclaimed the “death of equities”.  this was just about the bottom of the market before equities recovered with a bull market. 

 I don’t recall the exact covers, but vice-versa, when they proclaimed a “structural change” that there would be no more major stock market declines, of course, there was a major stock market loss.  ]]

It basically made me a strong contrarian when it comes to the stock 
market.  Of course, the problem is knowing when is the right time to be “contrary”. 

For me the stock market has mostly been a hobby.  Ever since I was a kid I have enjoyed studying the stock market. 

Anyway recently I read an article where the authors were arguing that “structurally” the economy has changed and we can now expect permanent stock market gains, high unemployment and low inflation.  

I thought “oh oh," it may be time to hide! 

I think the “contrarian” view works because when everyone feels the same way, the market forces change since there is no one left to buy or sell stocks.

Still haven’t revolved the issue of my photos not syncing.  It actually is a relatively important problem, one I need to resolve.  I may take it by an “aftermarket” Apple Computer, except that this is covered by a warranty.  

As far as some of my projects I am trying to accomplish this year, I am thinking of setting up “project papers”  for each project and try to get a major accomplishment in at least one each week.  Keep it ‘possible” and I may get it done!

That’s it for now, Wednesday, January 15, 2020.

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