Monday, May 13, 2019

2019 Spring May 13 Monday


53 degrees this morning, 84% humidity.  

Relatively nice day yesterday, supposed to get to 70’s, maybe even low 80’s today!


Walk 25;45
Swim:  15.15 minutes
Outside bike, 21 minutes 15 seconds 

Pace was 42 seconds slower than my goal.

Good to get back outside biking yesterday, trying to find a time I can do that on a regular basis.

Probably the biggest frustration in bicycle riding is keeping the tires up!.  

For years, I had a good basic air compressor that worked well.  Somehow, when we moved here, the air compressor was “lost”.  Of course it is one of those things that you don’t notice until after the move.  It was either lost or stolen.  

My theory is that someone saw it and used it for something and never put it back on the truck.

The air compressor costs $29, so I wasn’t too worried about it.

However, the problem has been replacing it.  I have found that small air compressors are not always that well made.  As I have mentioned before, some of them try to do too much and end up not doing even the basic (and in my opinion, there only function) of airing up my bicycle tires!  

I have tried two compressors since the, neither is now operational.  They had extras like “automatic stop”  when they reached the desired air pressure etc, but all it did was  create problems so that they wouldn’t even air up the tires.

In frustration, I went to an air pump, which works, but has its own limitations.  So I have started looking for an air compressor again, a good basic one without any extra’s that I don’t need  All I need is to air up my tires and be able to insure they are at the proper air pressure!

Overall good weekend, I always enjoy “Mothers Day”  and the thought behind it.  Went out to eat at a restaurant we enjoy.  Instead of over-eating, we took home several means for the future! 

Still working on my weight control.  “My Fittness Pal” is frustrating to use some times, although I have learned to del with it’s limitations.  I still feel that reduced carbs is the best way to lose weight, but it is really had to substantially reduce carbs.  

Another Monday, as a new work week starts. When I start the  week, it seems to stretch out in front of me, but it always goes fast!

That’s it for now, Monday, May 13, 2019.


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