Thursday, July 26, 2018

2018 Summer July 26 Thursday

80 degrees this morning, 53 % humidity, no walk (schedule) 

Sitting out on patio this morning, enjoying the start of the day.  There is a light breeze that makes it nice.  

The other day I was asked the question (at Toastmasters) “what  would i do if I won the lottery”.  This time I didn’t say “I would go into work the next day”.  Although I would, I probably wouldn’t continue for long!

However, the question did highlight how my thoughts had changed since it was first asked about 20 years ago.  

Probably much more now than 20 years ago or certainly 40 years ago, I realize the concept that the danger of possessions is that“things own you, you don’t own things” or words to that effect. 

I don’t know how you avoid that trap.  I know the current fad is renting or “sharing”, and that may even partially be the answer.  However, it is like renting a car, when I rent a car, I miss the car I normally drive because I get used to the car and the little extras that rental cars may not have.  

Probably some of the biggest safety advancements in cars is the backup camera, and the “dead spot beeper” as well as the warning signal when a vehicle or person is approaching when you are backing up.  

I can also see the value of the warning when you are drifting out of your lane, or warnings when you are too close to something at the front or back.  

I am somewhat puzzled why at least the backup camera isn’t required on all vehicles, probably the other safety items also. 

Eventually the trend of “renting” or “sharing” could lead to not owning anything, but renting or sharing everything, but then the question comes up as to who will own the items we rent or share!

Another dream I wanted to mention.  I am remembering fewer and fewer dreams for some reason, but it does seem to go in cycles, perhaps my sleeping patterns change .

Tuesday July 24 2018

Dreamed Aliene and I were using a house we were trying to sell that the Agent lust us use it when we were in town.  Strange, but this was a dream!

Appeared to be a house I used to live in years ago, but it was set in a small town near where I grew up.

We unpacked and Aliene went somewhere.

It was summer, but the heat came  on somehow and it got real hot. I thought it was broken, but it cooled when I set it.

A woman came out, I asked her if she had been sleeping and she said, yes, she lived there now.  She didn’t appear to be surprised to see me or see the suitcases etc.  

At that point I woke up. 

That’s it for now, Thursday, July 26, 2018.

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