Monday, March 30, 2020

2020 Spring March 30 Monday


54 degrees this morning  64% humidity

Yesterday was coolish all day, but the wind wasn’t high, so it was bearable.  

Weights, (sit-ups, barbells, bench press) yesterday morning.  

Walk: 23:29  minutes, pace was 51 seconds  slower than my goal,  I’m not trying to set any records right now, I’m just trying to maintain my exercise.  

Follow-up walk, 15:18 minutes,.j

Supposed to be rain today, so I’m glad we walked yesterday. Depends on how long and when it rains.  

We went “out” for breakfast this morning.  What that means in our  current situation is we go out and get take out and take it back home, nuke it in the microwave for a bit and then eat it at home!

It changes the routine a bit!

Today is the start of the third week of working only in my home office.  It seems like a lot longer than two weeks of being advised to “shelter in place” by working from home and leaving home only for essential reasons.  

Tried to start “tossing” nonessential stuff or at leas organizing it.  I thought even a small start would be better than nothing at all.

As usual, any time I do that it makes me realize how difficult it is to toss even the smallest things.  

I think all my life I have had visions of using the “stuff” I kept and now I realize I probably will never use it. I may as well toss it or donate it rather than keep assuming the psychological cost of owning it.  

The problem is, it is items that are “nice to have if I need them," but realistically I probably won’t use them.  I can tell myself that, but it I still hard to actually throw it in the donation box, recycling or trash.

I probably have literally thousands of business cards.  At some point in my life I may find a use for them, but I doubt it!  So they all need to go to the recycling.  Realistically I couldn’t look through all of them even if I had the time to look through them and probably 50% of them are no longer in business or valid , etc.

I have all kinds of “free” items I picked up at conferences, music festivals, trips , etc., as well as title souvenirs.   I am just amazed at how much I have accumulated of that kind of stuff.  I’m sure each time I picked something up, I thought of how small it was and that I was provably going use it or toss it soon.  

That was as long as 46 years ago.  Maybe they have some value as antiques or some historical value! 

That’s it for now, Monday, March 30, 2020.


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