Saturday, November 17, 2018

2018 Fall November 17 Saturday

48 degrees this morning, 57% humidity, no walk

No walk this morning in spite of almost perfect weather for this time of year, except the wind was up.  

Pondering on the “early morning” that I experience.  In spite of the amount of time before I go to work (or eat breakfast on a weekend), my morning activities are very structured.  Even ten minutes change can throw off my morning!

I usually start off with noting the temperature etc. on my “notes”, then my walk, (weights on some days).  Then I take my shower etc. 

After that I write this (my journal) which has become the ritual I rarely or literally never miss doing.  

After that, I usually read the papers (both electronic and paper).

Then the best part, my nap(s)! 

This morning I have some early activities, plus it is “that” time of year when I try to avoid a head cold, coughing etc.  

I am always concerned when I can’t/don’t walk for any period of more than a day or so that I will get out of the habit.  

Not likely, but it is the little daily decisions that frequently end up being the big decisions in our lives.  

Suddenly you look back and try to remember when you stopped doing something etc and your realize you made a major decision without any real thought on it.  

Kind of like gaining weight, it is the little eating decisions I make every day that can have a “large’ cumulative effect!

Thinking about my Dad this morning, today is his birthday.  He would have been 112 years old today, or is 112 years old today, depending on how you look at it.  

He tried to be disciplined (and was), and, although he didn’t call it that I expect, he really had a strategic plan for his life.  

I was advised yesterday I was “too healthy” to continue in the medical test (testing a new medicine).  What is bad was I was starting to like the medicine, which of course I have to stop since it is not approved yet and is only in the testing stage. 

I really have thought lately about how time seems to fly.  November just started and it is now over 1/2 over!  

That’s it for now, Saturday, November 17, 2018.

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