Tuesday, August 28, 2018

2018 Summer August 28 Tuesday

82 degrees this morning, no walk, 60 % humidity.  

No walk this morning due to schedule.  I’ve debated about skipping the walk for (usually) work schedule reasons, but decided as long as it didn’t get out of hand I will continue it.  Probably the break does me good. 

I do miss walking in this weather, perfect weather for walking in the dark, 82 degrees with a cooling breeze.  

The full moon is out this morning, hanging over my head as it descends. It currently is probably 20 degrees  west of being straight over my head, if that makes any sense.  

Anyway, one of those perfect Summer days in the waning days of Summer.  

The local AAA baseball season ended last night, at least for us, it was the last “home stand” of the year.  I hate to think it will be at least 7 months before we attend another one and probably 9 months before we can attend one that there isn’t a definite chill in the air or at least the potential for one.  

Of course the Major League Baseball season will continue through to the World Series.  

The Crepe Myrtle are standing tall with blooms.  I love them for their long blooming period as well as that they are beautiful.  While the white variety isn’t my favorite, I like the way they shine in the dark.  

I saw a quote the day about how children know a certain number of trademarks by a young age (I think it was 90 trademarks by age six, but I’m not sure) but “couldn’t tell the names of trees” etc.)

While I understand the purpose, I grew up on a farm, with no tv, no computers etc. and I don’t know how to recognize any trees.  I know a Crepe Myrtle, but there were no Crepe Myrtle’s on the farm I grew up on.  

I probably can recognize a walnut tree when it has walnuts and a mulberry, pear or apple tree when it has fruit, but that is about it. 

So much for learning about nature just because you grow up around it!  

Probably the person who passed it on couldn’t recognize a tree either!  There are a lot of self-righteous people in the world, including me!

Sitting on the patio, with the sound of the wind in the trees, the moon overhead, and the warm weather,  I really can’t envision the cold weather to come. 

I have been having extensive, detailed dreams lately although I don’t remember them long enough to document them.  I’m not sure what that means, probably that I am having extensive detailed dreams! 

I read the other day about someone who said “older persons ought to be tested more extensively periodically”.  Of course it is always “someone else”  (especially older people) who are targeted.  My response was to “test everyone than”.  

Reading about some of the advancements in cars that could assist drivers of all ages,  I am pleased with the safety items that technology has provided at a relatively low-cost, such items as backing cameras, radar (I think ) what warns you of a car in your blind spot, cruise control that basically drives your car, self parking etc.

Much as I am against  “forcing” technology on people etc.I have  to wonder why backup cameras, radar showing cars in the blind spot, warnings when people or vehicles are in back of you, etc. aren’t “standard”.  They all are relatively  inexpensive, and definitely can save lives.  

Something to ponder on.

That’s it for now, Tuesday, August 28, 2018.

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