Saturday, July 29, 2017

2017 Summer July 29 Saturday

79 degrees this morning, walk normal walk but no time.

This is a correction, I was able to find out the details of my morning walk, apparently there are a number of views you can set up.

Anyway, my Pace was about 13 seconds above my goal, which didn't really surprise me.

Although it is 79 degrees this morning it is almost cool sitting on the patio this morning.  There is a cool breeze.  Not that I am complaining!

Listening to the book on the “Industrial Revolution”, i was thinking about the centering of the book on England (the author is from England).  

Most history etc. I have read is centered around the United States (logically enough, not complaining about it just stating a fact). 

While listening to this book, which is wholly England centered at this stage, I was wondering how I would have reacted if all of our history books had their basic center in England, Canada, China or wherever. 

Anyway, this morning, the author notes that the Industrial Revolution was almost entirely based in England in the 1600’s and early 1700’s logically and actually did’t start in the United States until the early 1800’s or so.  

He had noted previously that England had a deficit in trees (and probably other natural resources) so this affected a lot of their trade policies and politics.

He emphasized the lack of infrastructure in the United States, and water transportation was eh primary means of shipping etc.

Looking at the Crepe Myrtle, I really enjoy each aspect of Summer.  Although I love the Crepe Myrtle “blooming”, it also usually means that the second half of Summer has started.  

The first part of Summer weather (usually about late May) is so good because it feels like it will go on forever.  Than actual Summer starts and the sunlight  starts to shorten each day.  

Than about July, the Crepe Mrytles bloom, it gets hot etc. and the days get shorter.

Then school starts, Fall arrives and winter weather gradually starts and it seems like Summer will never return!

This Winter, we have definitely decided we are going someplace warm, and get a break from the cool weather.  Even though our Winters are relatively mild, it is still cold and nasty, the days (that is the daylight time) is short, the leas are off the trees etc. 

But that is the reason I like to just enjoy the summer weather while it is here.  I act like it is limited (which is is) and I will enjoy it while it is here.

That’s it for now, Saturday, July 29, 2017

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