Wednesday, April 26, 2017

2017 Spring April 26 Wednesday

53 degrees this morning, walk 35:36 miles

Walk this morning was definitely on the cool side, there was a cold edge to the wind.  It is hard to explain, but it was a “cold 53 degrees”, much cooler than other days in this temperature frame.  

Pace was 14 seconds slower than my goal.  I expect I will improve as the weather warms up.

Listening to the book on “Algorithms”.  It is interesting to listen to, but I’ve found retaining information is not that great, as far as just repeating it.  

What is interesting is that when I read or hear something relating to the book, my mind will be jogged and I will remember hearing it from the book.  

I always heard that you retain only small portion of what you hear, see or read.  I don’t remember the numbers, but I do know if i really want to retain something, I can try to explain it to someone, or write an explanation of what I think I learned. Then I probably will retain it forever.  

Several months ago, I noted everyone “learns” different and probably more research should be completed on identifying how we learn best.

Of course, that also assumes that we know what type of “learning” is best.  

The book on Algorithms this morning mentioned that basically “you get what you measure”.  As the book mentioned, if you measure “how many meetings” or “contacts”, you get a lot of meetings and contacts, but they may be meaningless or even counter productive to your overall goal.

Obviously a lot of businesses have found this out, and if customer service is the true goal, you need to find a way of measuring that.  

I saw a story the other day that business schools have been emphasizing “return to shareholders” versus good customer service, etc, or above even making good products and ethical actions. 

That shows (as well as the lack of ethics) in many recent stories about business, including the airlines, banks, price gouging by drug companies etc.   

The book on algorithms had some interesting stories about what they called “overfitting”.  Don’t know how it relates to anything, but he had several stories about training for emergencies.  

In this case, it related to police/law enforcement training.  Police are trained to disarm someone, and (supposedly a true story), a Police Officer efficiently took a weapon away from a criminal in “real life”, but then did as he was trained to do during training and handed it back!  

When training, Police Officers were trained to take the weapon away from the instructor and then they give it back to the instructor, so even in an actual situation, the Officer acted as he had been trained to do.

There was a similar situation with FBI agents who trained by taking two shots and then holstering their weapon.  In real situations they continued to take two shots and holster their weapon even when they are in a shoot-out and were still in danger!

The book didn’t go into how they “untrain” such behavior or how the training was changed.

Colder weather today, this is a “field day” so may have to deal with rain and cold.

That’s it for now, Wednesday, April 26, 2017.

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