Saturday, November 03, 2012

A Fall Day in November, 2012

As the time change approaches, today (Saturday, November 3) is a wonderful day, sunny, light wind and 70's.  There is rain and cold coming in.
Thinking over the past year, I made some major changes in my exercise and eating routines.  I started "commuting" to the gym (which isn't really much since it is only about a mile), but I also started bicycling on my bike a lot more while maintaining my daily walk of 34 minutes or so that I have been maintaining for years.
Several years ago I started riding the stationary bike while reading my morning papers, instead of sitting around and reading my morning paper.  That helped my shape some, but a major factor was
-Eating a lot less bread (flour), potatoes and sugar!  The day after Christmas I started on a "low carb" diet and as a result i have lost about 45 lbs, decreased my shirt size from 18 1/2 to 17 (slim in some cases) and from around a 42 to a 36 waist.  I have also had to make major investments in new clothes but it is worth it!  What is especially fun is now being able to wear clothes I haven't been able to wear for years!
I recently started riding at night and weeks (in addition to my morning ride), frequently an hour or so.  I am surprised at how much I enjoy it and how few aches and pains (at least thus far) that I have from the increased cycling.  
To say I feel better (and I never really felt bad) is an understatement.  What is really nice is that I really don't miss the bread and potatoes.  I do miss the "sweet tea" (as it is made in Memphis!) and I have not (and will not) give up peanut butter!  As long as I continue to lose or at least maintain my weight I am happy!  
These are my thoughts on this wonderful fall day, 2012.  For some reason the Daylight Savings Time time changes is a time to reflect, especially on Sunday when the "extra" hour created by "Fall back" is available.

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