Thursday, November 01, 2012

11 years in Tennessee!

11-1-01:  I started as City Manager of Lakeland 11 years ago today.  It also was my first Board of Commissioners meeting!  I couldn't forecast the next 11 years obviously, but if I could have, I wouldn't have changed my decision to come to Lakeland.
Aliene and I both agree we made the right decision in coming to Lakeland.  I have learned a lot and it has been a very rewarding position.  
Looking back, I am amazed at the changes in the past 11 years.
So busy I haven't really kept up this blog like I should have.  I have been keeping up my "calendar" (where I record major events of the day), but I haven't really kept up my journal where I go over my thinking and actions I have taken.
Sometimes I think to some degree my exercise has replaced my journal time.  I actually spend quite a bit of time exercising.  I walk for about 34 minutes, then bike to the gym (about 16 minutes both ways with some extra riding), ride on the stationary bike for 36 minutes (while I read the Commercial Appeal and Wall Street Journal).  Some days I ride the bike up to an hour more.  
I love the early morning time.  I usually get up around 3 a.m., take my walk, then ride to the gym, then back home.  I then take a short nap (27 minutes or so), and then work for about an hour, then eat and off to work!
Usually I find I can "write" memos or letters etc. while I am walking/riding and then I just put it on the computer when I get back!
Start my 12th year of Lakeland tomorrow!  Who knows how long I will be here.  I'd like to stay here another 5-7 years before I retire, but that is not all my decision!  I'd just do the best I can every day and go from there.

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