Monday, February 20, 2012

Weight goal is reached!

I was pleased to note at my "weigh in" today, I reached my Weightwatchers weight goal! Of course, it just means I set another step goal (on to my final goal), but I am excited about reaching it.

I have been on "on line" weightwatchers for several years with some success, but also weight gains. The day after Christmas, I went on a very modified "low carb" diet. Basically I cut out potatoes and bread and many sweets (with high carbs). I was pleased at the results, especially since it is an eating plan I can continue as a "permanent" eating plan.

I was surprised at how may carbs fruits etc. had (although when I think about it, it makes sense), but I did learn that these are "good carbs".

I am continuing my exercise also, which I expect helps.

On to my next goal!

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