Sunday, December 07, 2008

December is here!

I definitely felt the "cold" in cold weather week. At 29 degrees or so, I start to notice the cold, and how the majority of leaves are off the trees and Winter is truly coming!

However, it could be worse. Over Thanksgiving, we visited family in Oklahoma City and although it was only 38 degrees, the wind made it seem freezing! I am glad Lakeland doesn't have a lot of wind.

Fortuanately I am able to continue exercising in spite of the cold. I always walk every day (unless it is actually raining or snowing etc.), but I do miss an occassional day of bicycling since I don't want to take the chance of sliding on ice.

We enjoyed our Thanksgiving visit in Oklahoma City. Things are busy here and it was nice to take a break, although I used to the break to catch up on some work also!

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