Saturday, September 25, 2010

Summer of 2010

The Summer of 2010 has officially ended! I consider it to have been a wonderful Summer, mostly hot and dry! I enjoyed it! I realize the seasons have to change, but I hate to see Summer go. The cold of Winter seems to last so long before the Summer heat comes back.

Every year, around February, I start thinking I need to take a short vacation someplace warm, but I never have. Maybe this year....

Aliene is doing better, the Doctors have found the cause of the problem and hopefully can treat it. I am pleased to find that the Saint Francis of Bartlett is so nice. The Emergency Room was quick and almost all of the personnel are dedicated and customer oriented. We are pleased to have the hospital so close. (The other hospitals are good also, but it is good to have one about 5 miles away! What is strange is that I thought the hospital wasn't in our insurance plan,

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