Thursday, January 08, 2015

Winter 2015 January 8 Thursday

13 degrees this morning (4 degrees wind chill) 45.29 minutes walking  9 Earthquakes, including one 4.0.  The USGA reported over 150 earthquakes in Oklahoma in the past month.  

Cold weather here, but at least it means we are one day closer to Spring each day!  Even the daylight getting longer is noticeable now.

I tend to dress too warm for my walks, the only problem with cold weather (if there is no ice or snow etc.) is the extra time it takes to dress and undress!).

Yesterday was almost as interesting as I expected.  That is what I love about my job is the variety, including the “field days” and the “office days’.  In a lot of ways it is like solving a puzzle, and the people I interact with are almost all interesting in their own way.

We are getting ready for baseball!  While we will greatly miss the Memphis Redbirds, we have to face reality and look at adopting a new team where we can attend games. 

While it is four months away, at least we know it is coming.  

Even January seems to be going fast.  Today is Thursday already and the first full week of January is almost over.  Make me want to slow things down, but I doubt if I would really like that.

Aliene took down the Christmas decorations yesterday  Another Christmas gone.  I miss them, but it wouldn’t be the same if they were up all the time!

Aliene has a “seasonal” decoration theme, which always keeps the house decorated in an interesting and seasonal appropriate way!

Walking in extremely cold (for us) weather is always a tough decision.  I think the wind is the major factor on whether it is “too cold” to walk.  Even extremely cold weather isn’t bad if so bad if I dress for it and the wind isn’t blowing from the north.  

I have decided it is time to update my “Linked In” page. Somehow, I just don’t get too excited about Linked In, although overall I like the concept.  There are a lot of things I don’t like about the procedures or methods sometimes, but I think it is good overall. 

I am finally getting rid “Car and Driver” subscription.  While I like it, I really dislike their “automatic” renewal, which of course they do with their highest mail rate.  I am canceling all of my magazines and using “Next Issue”  (other than Consumer Reports and Foreign Affairs, and both of them have  their own app.  I may keep Broomborg Business Week.)

I still get the local daily and the Wall Street Journal delivered.  I have resigned myself to getting it “late” and reading it, hopefully, before I start work.  If I didn’t have my home office, I would probably cancel them since they are delivered so late.

I am considering how to approach the obsolete and incompetent recycling program in this area.  We thought about just tossing everything in the trash, but I think that is what they are hoping we will do.  

Of course, and then they would point to the lack of utilization and use it as an excuse to either not enlarge recycling or discouraging recycling.

It is almost like this city is still in the last generation.  Poor planning (encouraging the city as a place to encourage business, not encourage residents to move here ) etc.  

At least I can complain about it, but I can’t do anything about it, a complete reversal from the past!

That’s it for now, Thursday, January 8, 2014.          

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