Saturday, January 10, 2015

Winter 2015 January 10 Saturday (Driving with the Sunroof Open, A Tale of Two Cities)

21 degrees this morning, 58:10 minutes walking,  ten earthquakes     

 Enjoyed my day, driving with my heater up high and my sunroof down!  Somehow, it feels right!

When I first met Aliene, I’m not sure if she liked having the heater up and the sunroof down in cold weather, but she liked the concept!  

It kind of feels like riding a bicycle, when you are hitting the groove, so to speak.  A feeling like you are flowing.  

One of the times of the my day when I am out in the field is coming back to my office after a day in the field.  

The area I work in is about 20 miles (at the closest, it can be 45 miles the furtherest away).  I open a bottle of Gold Peak diet sweet tea and (figuratively speaking) kick up my feet and relax on my way home!

With the crazy drivers around here it is hard to say “relax”, but it is rather relaxing.  I get in my lane and just hang in there.  By now, I know exactly which lane I want to be in at what time to minimize the stress of switching lanes.  

By contrast, in the morning, the drive is an opportunity to relax and prepare myself for a day in the field.  I enjoy it, but I also like to be prepared.  

Yesterday was interesting in that I got two long phone calls for assistance, and I was really pleased that I was able to walk them through the problem they were having.  Fortunately I was in a parking lot each time!  (We can’t take or make phone calls while driving.) 

I went back to walking my full distance this morning.  It feels good.  I guess there is no “right” or “wrong” distance, just whatever feels right for me.  The cold doesn’t bother me, as long as there is no wind.  There was no wind this morning, which is why I walked the full length. 

Gold’s Gym is having a special on.  It is only about a mile away (unfortunately there are no sidewalks part of the  distance or a bike path, so there is no way I can walk or bike there).   The street traffic is just too dangerous through there.

A gross lack of planning on the part of the city.  Unfortunately, this city has a distinct lack of planning as it is apparently governed more for the benefit of businesses than for residents.

The same type of small-time thinking prevails on the recycling.  

I really think part of the problem is the city has a policy of  “promoting from within”.  Obviously that is good in a lot of ways, and I always support that but this city seems to take it to extremes and it leads to a lack of creatively and resistance to new ideas and it shows.

This shows when we compare it to a nearby city that is much more advanced and creatively and a much more livable city because it is concerned about giving the residents a reason to live there.  

They have an advanced recycling system that provides for good recycling as well as protection from the wind, and you can tell the difference when you enter the city limits since there is more landscaping, a better traffic pattern and obviously zoning for the benefit of both the residents and businesses, not oriented just at benefiting businesses.

A Tale of Two Cities!  They are so different and the thinking is even different.  Of course, I know only too well how one idiot can reverse the gains of years, but I think the concept is institutionalized in the nearby city.

That’s it for now, Saturday, January 10, 2015. 

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