Sunday, January 18, 2015

Winter 2015 January 18 Sunday

31 degrees this morning, 46:08 minutes walking four  earthquakes

Went to view some exhibits at the Museum of Art.  One of the key ones was “My Generation, Young Chinese Artists”, which was wonderful as was a permanent exhibit of glass sculpture.  It made me feel good knowing that that was available.  

There were some other exhibits and they have regular special exhibits such as “My Generation”.  I’m not saying I understood a lot of the art, but I appreciated it and especially the efforts of the artists.

It was definitely not traditional Chinese art or Artists.  These are artists who have never experienced life mostly as a single child, experienced a massive building project as the norm.  Most of them have not even learned about he Cultural Revolution,   and experience a high  censorship. as a fact of li                                  

We joined as members so we could feel free to just “drop in” without feeling like we have to stay to get our money’s worth!  

Kali and Katherine were with us and also seemed to enjoy it.  After that we took them to a mall.  They always enjoy shopping!

We also ate at a “coffee shop” type of cafe which had some type of food for all of our eating restrictions.  It was interesting and the food was good.  Aliene had “chili pie.

Excellent weather today.  Of causes, it won’t last long, but it is nice to have it!

For some reason, my newspapers have been coming “on time” as defined by the newspapers and extremely late as defined by me..  

Anyway, it dose provide me with the opportunity to read at least the local paper before I start work for the day.

Walk this morning my story suddenly quit.  Fortunately it was just the ear pods.  I was using some that Delta Airlines gave us on our China trip.  Of  course, they weren’t meant to be anything but disposable, but as cheap as I am, I decided to use them as long as I could.

The one ear bud went out fast, but when I’m listening to a book on my walk, it doesn’t bother me, so I just keep on listening with them.  I carried a spare pair for several days, but finally decided if/when they go out, I’ll just enjoy the silence.  

I did enjoy the silence, but I missed my book since it was in a critical place. 

That is one practice I probably need to curtail (using something that is extremely inexpensive to replace too long).  The headphones are one example.

When I was in graduate school, I was living on very little income, other than enough to pay my rent and eat Marconi and cheese (the boxes).  I’d make some for one meal and eat the remainder cold for a future one.

I got one of the fist “throw-away” steel razors that were designed to last for more than one time.  Anyway, I used it for several months to save money  and I started the unfortunate habit of extended use of my razors all of my life.  l used to change them about once per month, based on my schedule, I don’t have any set schedule now.

That’s it for now, Sunday, January 18, 2015

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