Saturday, January 31, 2015

Winter 2015 January 31 Saturday

45 degrees this morning 45: minutes walking

2015 will be 1/12th over today.  Time does go fast.

Wrangling with the tax returns.  I’m glad I still have 2 1/2 months to work on it.  Two states, moving expenses, job hunting expenses, home office expenses, etc. are proving to be quite a challenge, even with Turbo Tax.  

To top it off (I”ll avoid mentioning which one), one of the Federal Identification Numbers on one of my tax documents refers back to an incorrect organization when i put it in Turbo Tax.  Not sure who made the mistake.

Sounds like rain and possible snow this weekend, at least rain.  

I think I write about how fast time passes for a reason.  I’m now quite sure what yet.  Perhaps I feel the limited time available to me as time passes, the limitation everyone has.  

I think starting an entirely different kind of life (in the sense of career and other areas), both opens new possibilities and emphasizes limitations.  Some things I will never do again, yet there are many things I will still do for the first time.

Listening to the “Edge of Eternity” during my morning walk.  

“Historical fiction” must be difficult to develop.  All of them seem to spend a lot of time in the early phases (which I understand)and then as time goes on, skip over large blocks of time.  John Jakes was supposed to write to 1976 (which really sounds quaint now!), but didn’t make it past the twenties or so.  The Edge of Eternity skipped over the entire decade of the fifties, the Korean War etc.  and I wonder if it is going to make it past the seventies, without skipping over some major areas.

Of course, my life is like that, there are major stretches where I  really don’t recall anything major that happened, even though at the time I’m sure there was a lot that was important.

Perhaps that is just the way time and life is.  If you tried to make everything that ever happened important, it may just be too overwhelming.

Obviously, in looking back, I can recall specifics of almost any period if I concentrate on it. I think some of the happenings etc. at the time seemed so important it is hard to believe that now it is so unimportant I have to work at recalling the history at the time.

On the other hand, there are things that happened that seemed unimportant that  later I recall as pivotable, very important, events or peopled.

Field day Friday.  I have developed somewhat of a pattern, depending on what I am working on at the time.  My computer locked up (that is for some reason I couldn’t access it) which is frustrating.  

That’s it for today, Saturday, January 31, 2015. 

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