Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Winter 2015 January 6 Tuesday

31 degrees this morning, 45:20 minute walk

Driving with my heater on full blast and the sun roof down!  One of the great experiences of winter!  There is something about the hot air and cold air that is enjoyable, as long as it doesn’t get too hot or too cold.

We are totally disgusted with the recycling her, or perhaps the lack of it.  The city here limits recycling and has obsolete pickup routines, unbelievable in a windy area!

Yesterday, the recycling people just threw the bins down half full and the high wind spread trash throughout the neighborhood.  Not only that but they threw he bins on my neighbors property.  Totally disgusting.  

At first we decided to quit recycling, but probably that is what they hope we do.  

Anyway I thought about complaining, but I think I will do more, and try to change something to where they offer some meaningful recycling, instead of the eyewash they do now.

At Toastmasters last night, I had to give the invocation at the start of the meeting.  I remembered years past at family reunions and I always was impressed at the singing of the “Doxology”  at the beginning of the meal.

I thought (very briefly) about singing it, but instead read it.  I did practice singing it in the car and enjoyed it.  

As I remember it (and I may be wrong), it seemed that almost everyone joined in and it was very impressive.

We have lived here six months now and I have been working at my job for four months.  Somehow every monthly anniversary comes faster and it still seems like it has been much longer.  I expect as time goes on, I will count the years instead of the months, much as happened at Lakeland.  

I have thought about that in the groups I have joined.  What makes me (or anyone who is long term) a “veteran” after a while and not just a short term member.  

For example, in 1989 I went to my first Toastmasters meeting.  If it had been a bad meeting, I might never have returned.  

It seems there are stages, even with long term members.  You start as someone who is totally new, and then (if you keep going), you suddenly realize you are one of the veterans who new people look at as a “veteran” with all the answers.  And of course, like always you don’t feel you know all the answers.

Same with the dance class.  I started in 1994, not knowing anything about dancing.  Eventually while I was never great or even good, I was part of the group and considered a “veteran” by newcomers. 
On the other hand, in Memphis, I never really got involved in Toastmasters (I tried, it just didn’t click) and ditto with  the dance club, although Aliene and I went to some of the dances.  

As always, an interesting day “in the field” yesterday.  There is always something new I don’t expect and couldn’t forecast that makes the day interesting!  

That’s it for now, Tuesday, January 6, 2015.

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