Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Winter 2015 January 7 Wednesday

26 degrees (10 degrees wind chill) this morning , 45:29 minutes walking, 8 earthquakes

Walk this morning was good, the wind is still a problem  I avoid the windy  areas, which is why my walk is shorter than normal. 

I understand even colder weather is coming!

January 7 already.  It almost seems like January will soon be half over, than January will be over, which is 1/12 of 2015!   Before we know it, 2015 will be over and it has just begun!

Just thinking about goals and priorities for the year.  I have to admit they have changed dramatically from the past.  

Other than “continuousness improvement”, I realized I didn’t have any major priorities or  goals  at the time, which is unusual for me.   Doesn’t mean I won’’t develop some.

I think some of situation is I  just starting a new job  as well as adjusting to a new location.  I am sure I will have  some priorities develop as the year proceeds. 

I think one factor is that time still seems to be limited, even though my workload, as far as hours go, is the lightest they have been for 40 years.  I think it will take some time to adjust to the lighter schedule, if that makes any sense.  

I think part of the situation is that I still have “hypertime” mornings, when it seems I never have enough time do everything I need to get done.  I have to walk, eat, shower, take a nap etc. and before I know it it is time to go to work.  I just never seem to have enough time in the morning.  

I have heard in cases like that to reimagine the time and change priorities, but I like my mornings!  

Had my annual visit with a cardiologist (a new one this yearI).  He seemed to think everything is going ok.  I don’t have any major problems, just some minor things I need to have monitored.  

It seemed strange to have an appointment made for 2016i already!  

The cardiologist did tell me to each “berries” and avoid all carbs, even the carbs in apples and fruit.  

He basically said eat fish, chicken, vegetables and red meat no more than 3 times a week, and, other than berries, don’t each any fruit, at least, not for it’s health purposes.

Since I eat an apple with peanut butter of breakfast, I did ask him if that   was ok and he seemed to say that if I was just eating it for breakfast, not for its alleged health benefits

Actually I have been a huge blueberry fan for years, so that won’t cause me any problems.  Finding them in this  problem, especially in the winter.

Probably it means I need to cut peanut butter also, but that will be the last to go!  

The visit did reemphasize the need for me to continue to lose weight, probably about another  15 pounds or so.  

“In the field” today.  It promises to be an “interesting” day. 

That’s it for now, Wednesday, January 7, 2015


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