Sunday, November 08, 2015

Fall 2015 November 8 Sunday

Pittsburg, Kansas

36 degrees this morning here (45 degrees at home)

We are so glad we came for Uncle John’s Memorial Service.  We would have not wanted to miss the wonderful service in memory/celebration of Uncle John’s life or visiting with relatives.  The service and visiting bought back a lot of good memories as well as created new ones.  

I am surprised at the difference in temperature, but am glad the higher temperature is where we live!  

Also wanted to note the Comfort Inn & Suites in Pittsburg is an excellent place to stay.  It is very comfortable, the bed is wonderful, the staff is helpful and courteous and the breakfast is good.  Also, the internet connection is free and easy to hook up to!  Didn’t get a chance to try the swimming pool, but it looked very good.  (Heated indoor pool).  

Leaving for home this morning after breakfast here at the hotel.  

Debating how to proceed with daily newspaper delivery.  The newspapers are now arriving late for their already “late scheduled” time, so it may be time to stop the physical delivery of newspapers.  They simply arrive too late for me to read.

The problem  with the internet newspapers is  that I just don’t get around to reading them.  The physical newspapers are stilling there  looking at me, so I read them.  

The internet newspapers are on the computer and, while I generally enjoy reading them on the computer/ipad, I just don’t think of it, especially since the late delivery of the physical newspapers has gotten me out of the habit of reading the newspapers at a specific time.

The format of the newspapers is so important.  The metro, local newspaper, has a very poor format is is very hard to read on either the iPad or computer.  At the iPhone is actually  is actually a little better.

The Wall Street Journal is easiest read on the iPad.  Not sure why, but the computer format is not as easy to navigate as the iPad format.  

The New York Times is best read on the computer, the iPad version is difficult to navigate, the iPhone  edition is actually fairly good.  

I usually read the USA Today on the iPad  each morning at breakfast, although the USA Today and I have some strong disagreements on what is news.   I feel that sports should be in the sports section, “celebrities” (most of whom I don’t recognize anyway, I think it is a PR ad some some sort), and tv and movies should be on the entertainment and not posted as “news”.  Also they have many  “Opinion” pieces pushing their  personal beliefs masquerading  as news stories. 

They do have good short stories about tech etc., which is why I read it in spite of feeling it is a poor newspaper that basically is a marketing tool instead of a “news” paper

We will decide if we want to try to find a new house in the next several days.  I am not looking forward to the process again, especially obtaining a loan and moving.  It is really too bad this city doesn’t do more to protect the residents from commercial intrusion instead of happily  kowtowing  to commercial businesses  while ignoring their responsibly to protect their residents. 

The “holiday season” will kick off this week, in the sense that Veterans Day is this week, then Thanksgiving, then Christmas and New Year Day, Martin Luther King Day and then Presidents Day.  

I noted several stories today about how “auto correct”, while amazing, is hardly perfect.  I note some of the misconnections on my posts and wonder how they ever came up with that word or meaning and how I missed it when I reviewed it!

That’s it for now, Sunday, November 8, 2015.

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