Saturday, November 28, 2015

Fall 2015 November 28 Saturday

31 degrees this morning (feels like 20 degrees), no walk, rain and ice

Rain and probably freezing rain all day yesterday and last night, probably continuing this morning  Not sure if we are affected by freezing rain yet, although it is all around us. 

Welcome to Winter!

My two days of “holiday” (Thursday and Friday) disappeared in a flash!  I certainly enjoyed them and am now looking forward to the weekend, cold as it may be.

Continued my “three and go” routine on the exercise machines.  I am still getting acquainted with them.  I am a little surprised that many of my muscles I basically thought were “in shape” aren’t!  Even at a light weight, I can feel the strain.  Since I am not a “no pain no gain” person, I probably will be exercising at light weights for awhile. 

Electricity went out during the night (just enough to set the clocks that blink to blinking), fortunately that was all, at least so far!

I finally gave in and got a Keurig yesterday, on sale on a “Black Friday” deal at Macy’s.  Probably the last person in my neighborhood (or whatever) to get one.  

I enjoyed my Croissant (I know, spell check did it to me again) coffee maker, which had a grinder attached, but I thought the Keurig looked neater for showing the house, plus I had wanted to try one.  I decided at this price if I just used it during the time we showed the house, I wouldn’t lose much.  If nothing else I can use it for a quick cup of coffee or to make hot water!  It is especially good for guests who don’t like their coffee as strong as I do. 

I got it together and tried some of the sample coffee and it is actually quite good.  It is also a lot more convenient, especially if you just want  one cup of coffee.  

I use Starbucks “dark roast”  coffee beans in my grinder coffee maker, which is excellent coffee.  I got some Starbucks dark roast  “pods” at Starbucks, frankly I won’t pay that kind of price again, but they are available elsewhere at a reasonably lower price.  

Tune 120 of 6,544 on my “original iPod”, “Emmylou Harris” , singing “Mansion on the Hill”.  I am still trying to figure out why the “shuffle” function resets.  It was up to over 700 once before it reset, I believe when I let the battery get low.  Probably just getting old.  

I remember the one time I saw Emmylou Harris in person was in Idaho.  I actually watched at night as a full moon rose behind her.  (The song “Mansion on the Hill” mentions a full moon rising.)

Another dream yesterday morning, another strong dream, although it didn’t make any sense:

11 27 15 Friday: Dream about an old yellow pickup I once had and an apartment complex I once lived in.

For some reason I was trying to sell the pickup, with the dream having it that I had had it since I actually had it (of course, I sold it at least 25 years ago).  

For some reason Eleanor (my sister) was driving it and helping me sell it.  I don’t recall what the problem was but I was sitting in back holding something down and commenting that the good thing about an old pickup is that you can always sell it and an old pickup maintains it value.  

Not sure why the apartments were in the dream, the pickup was on the street in front of them.  Eleanor backed up about two blocks (while warning she was going to make  a turn) and then started down another street.    

No idea why I was going to sell the pickup or to whom. 

I have no idea where this dream came from.  I was amazed I remember the pickup, apartments and streets in such details, I even remembered the names (10th Street was one and Tim Holt Drive was the otherI).

That’s it for now, Saturday, November 28, 2015.  

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