67 degrees this this morning, Walk 39:03 minutes
Uncle John passed away yesterday. It is always a shock even though he had been ill for the past few years.
I always admired his ability to write so effectively, eloquently and with persuasiveness. Also,my Aunt Ruth and him believed in living life and I know traveled, I believe, until his stroke several years ago. He was the last of my living uncles.
One area I am always proud of was my Uncles and Aunts, and, for that matter, my ancestors and the fact that they were successful where it counts.
When I look at their pictures, going back to the early 1900’s, and read some of the research on their lives, I am impressed by the fact that they were all what I consider to be the example of outstanding persons who believed in themselves and their families and lived what I consider to be an exemplary life. (There may have been some exceptions, but I wasn’t aware of them.)
I think they were they type of people who set the rails for the rest of us to follow, part of the “Great Generation” who lived through the depression and fought in WWII.
The wind was up again this morning. It was cloudy and windy all day yesterday and it continues this morning.
Soon it will be Veterans Day. Oddly enough, what I remember most about Veterans Day is that is the day I got my first PC (what then was called an IBM compatible). In fact, I believe it was 30 years ago this year. I remember they said “I could get the hard disk when I was ready for it”! When I got it, it was 10 mb (mb NOT GB!).
I had a Vic 20 and Commodore 64 several years before that.
In honor of that, I am planning on upgrading my iPhone 5 to a 6s, probably with a lease where I upgrade each year.
I figure if I have a yearly upgrade, I can remember it since it is around Veterans Day! Also, that will allow enough time for the bugs to have been mostly worked out of the new iPhone.
I decided against ATT because of my experience with their “warranty”, which is more of a scam than than a warranty. One of our granddaughters (I won’t say which one, to protect the guilty) dropped her phone and cracked it. The ATT “warranty” is a joke. That decided me to go with Apple with “Applecare” and I may even switch service to another Cell phone provider
It reminds me of the first “extended warranties” on printers etc. They would make you go through a two hour series of “tests”, hoping you would give up before honoring the warranty.
Finally got my new accounts yesterday. It is always fun to get some new accounts and start working on resolving the issues involved.
There is always something new. Yesterday (why I don’t think I can really go into detail) was another example of “when it rains, it pours”. I won’t see a certain situation for a long time and then suddenly I’ll have 50% of my accounts I see in one day have that situation! It is amazing.
I am doing good at maintaining my daily walk and swim, not so good at finding the time (and primarily place) to ride my bike. I’ll have to admit the wind is something I am going to have to used to. I need to get used to the wind while walking also, but that is a little easier!
Today will be an “office day” as I catch up on documenting everything I did the past several days. The new computer will help a lot since it is a lot faster and easier to use, although I still don’t know why they don’t get 4G instead of 3G when we depend on the computer in the field. (For security, we can’t use most public wifi, although we VPN into the main system).
That’s it of now, Thursday, November 5, 2015.
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