Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Fall 2015 november 17 Tuesday

59 degrees this morning No walk (rain, thunder, lightning)

Light rain all day yesterday, lightning and rain all night.  Couldn’t walk, hope the lightning is gone soon, or they will close the swimming pool for safety reasons.  

If my dad was still alive he would be 110 years old today.  Talk about time passing and seeing a lot of change!  

One of the sweetest words I hear is after my visit to the dentist is “see you in six months”! Of course that means everything is ok, and I’m not facing the drill in my teeth.  I have really  taken taking care of my teeth seriously the last several years (no more implants, although that actually resulted from a tooth extraction years ago that shouldn’t have happened).  

The six months has become somewhat of of a means of measuring time in a world where time speeds by too fast to measure or realize even it is passing.  

When I leave the Dentist office, six months seems so far off (May of 2016-LONG ways off!)  And then suddenly it is here and another six months has flown by.

It is strange how I look at the last ten years, and it seems like nothing has happened, yet everything has happened.  I look at the last ten months and major changes have happened within the scope of the last ten years.  

Maybe one reason time seems to go so fast,  when I was 21 years old, and certainly when I was 14 years old, I couldn’t even imagine being the age I am now, but being the age I am now, I can imagine what I will be like in 20 years and it will be a lot more “elapsed life” than the time since I was 14, even though it will be a lot fewer years. 

i think a major factor is that knowing your time and alternatives are limited make time go a lot faster since you treasure each moment more since your life experience indicates how fast time goes and the fact that time really does move on and you really do get older.  

You no longer have the denial of youth.

Enjoy listening to holiday music again and seeing holiday decorations slowly start to show up.  While I don’t really have any interest in putting up holiday decorations myself, I enjoy seeing them.  

Really intense dream yesterday morning in my normal “post exercise” nap (which I do even when I don’t exercise!):

1 16 15 Tuesday dream:  

Very intensive dream about going to my Toastmaster club (I think) meeting, or at least “a” Toastmaster meeting,  except it  was an “outing” at a special place.

It was in a city I didn’t recognize, a very desolate area almost like a war zone or a tornado.

I had a hard time finding finding the location. 

Somehow while looking for the meeting I walked into the house I thought it was in, and found a group of people dressed as animals (very realistic), one a lamb, an anteater and some other strange animals.

I looked around and when I realized i didn’t recognize any of them, I announced I was in the wrong meeting. They all laughed and said I was welcome to stay, they were the “animal club” or something like that.

I went out, but couldn’t find the Toastmasters club.  It was very realistic and i woke up and didn’t realize it was a dream for awhile.

Not quite sure what the meaning was, but it was a very strange dream.  

Don’t have any idea what city it was, somehow got the impression it was in Kansas City.

I haven’t been in Kansas City for years, although I always liked the city.  On reflection, I don’t think the dream was based in Kansas City, although there were a lot of hills etc.

Not looking forward to working a “field day” in the rain, although most of my “field day” will involve working in a mall.  

That’s it for now, Tuesday, November 17, 2015.  

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