Thursday, November 26, 2015

Fall 2015 November 26 Thursday

65 degrees this morning, Walk 39:24 minutes 

65 degrees this morning and I just read that a “Winter Storm Watch” has been issued!  The weather is achanging.  

Of course “spell check” had a problem with “achanging”.  Sometimes I get very tired of computers and cell phones (more relevant, the programers) who think they know what you want. 

I especially find it tiresome when they “update” a program without any warning or instructions with how to deal with then new mess they have created (since as WordPress recently didi).  I realize upgrades are necessary and good, but they seem to take pride in springing them on you and letting you know that they think they know what you want.

Kind of like Amazon and some other web sites who “suggest” things.  I know what I want, I don’t need some algorithm, no matter how smart, telling me or even suggesting I might want something.  

What is so funny is that when you buy something you wouldn’t buy another one of for awhile (for example, a computer) they send computer ads all over the place  aimed at you!  I assume they are charging the companies represented for this, even though there is zero chance I will buy it in the near future.  

Thanksgiving and the start of a four-day holiday.  Too bad about the upcoming (forecasted) bad weather, but it will still be nice to be off and visit (and eat).  

I am trying to figure out how to subscribe to some of the Google+ “communities” without getting inundated.  Maybe set up a second Google + account I can read when I want to.  

I am trying to trim the e-mails from companies I have no interest in receiving.  This is for established companies, not necessarily spam.  There should be a simple “block” feature rather than have to confirm your address.

I have learned to always use an e-mail address I may look at once a month when responding to many companies.  They just are using a cheap and intrusive way to get your e-mail address.  

Of course, my iPhone has a “block feature” and I have found that this one persistent caller (a credit card company I have zero interest in) keeps changing their number and calling.  I probably have ten numbers blocked from them.  I really don’t understand why they waste their time and money.  

In a way I blame Zig Ziglar and similar people who teach salespersons that if they are persistent they will make the sale. That simply isn’t true.

I think that is  ok (I actually enjoyed listening to his taped booksI), but I think they need to teach sales people that a good sales person actually provides a service (or productI) to a person or company and the salespersons job is also to determine what is best of the customer, not just sell what will make the salesperson the most commission.  

Received the results of the sleep study.  I always resent the way medical records/reports are worded and the way they try to take over your life.  No wonder so few people follow what they suggest and why so many people refuse to go for medical tests etc.  Nothing really bad bout the results, just the way the entire report is worded makes me want to tell them what they  can do with their suggestions!

One suggestion will need to  follow is to lose weight.  While I haven’t gained any weight, I haven’t lost any either and I have to admit I do need to lose some weight.  

A second day of the exercise machines.  (I am trying three a day until I decide on a routine).  I again found muscles I didn’t know I had and I expect the machines will be beneficial. 

Almost forgot, another dream:  

11-25-15:  Dream

Dreamed we were taking a tour of the (a city organization) in the state we live in.

Anglea and I went  on it, Aliene was around, but I’m not sure where.

I twas thinking I should advise Aliene before we left, but it was a guided tour and  we left too fast.

The organizations offices were being renovated, the floors and allies were all plain concrete.  In fact I thought it looked good until I saw it was a renovation.

I put some items I was carrying down, I didn’t want to carry them on the tour .  I tried to find a safe place.

Thank I woke up with the feeling someone important had happened and I needed to write it down. 

Not sure where we started etc., but the main part of the dream was the empty concrete building and me  trying to find a place to put what I had bought along.

This could reflect a story I read about the organization  and the way I had carried my gym bag around on the exercise  machines Monday

That’s it for now, Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, November 26, 2015.

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