Saturday, November 21, 2015

Fall 2015 November 21 Saturday

40 degrees thismorning (felt like  29 degrees due to 25 mph winds)  Walk 38:42 minutes

Wind this morning was the worst I have experienced so far this year.  It was howling to say the least.  I  can’t imagine what it would have been like if a heavy snow (or rain) was falling.  It was also from the north.  

I will be interested in getting the “results” of the sleep study.  It all happened so  fast (scheduling it the same day etc.) and leaving at 5 a.m., it is almost like a dream.   I thought the bed in the “sleep study” room was too soft at first, but it turned out to be very comfortable.  Probably the most uncomfortable feeling was having to call someone to go to the bathroom!  (I just carried the base of the wires etc. with me but someone else had to unhook it and hook it back up.)

I don’t know how advanced the “sleep study” medical procedures are.  I know the study of sleeping has been around for years.  I assume thie sleep study procedures are up to 

Had to prepare the house for showing yesterday (and finish this weekend), but the really hard part is completed, thank goodness.  Aliene is a wonderful packer and her ability to organize is truly amazing!  Thank goodness for that from someone who is absolutely no good at packing. 

Didn’t go swimming, I reserved the time used for that to help organize the house, but one of the reasons for moving is to make the YMCA more accessible, so hopefully the time invested will be worth it.  Even is the house doesn’t sell, at least we know we tried.  We are only going to list it until April 1, then we will just accept the fact that we are here.  

Listened to “Wilson”  this morning on my walk.  At times, the wind blew so loud it was hard to hear it.  i listened on the $50 Kindle  It wasn’t bad, once I learned how to adjust the volume.  I think it will be good, although I am just getting started on it.  

I know, or at least remember, very little about him, except he was the moving force behind the League of Nations and, if I remember correctly, was basically blocked by the Senate. I’ll find out as the book proceeds, I am sure.

I changed the location I take my “post exercise nap” in.  Although I dream about the same, I noticed I am further away from my computer, so by the time I get to my computer I have forgotten my dream.  Even though the dream may be very intense, by the time I get to the computer, I have forgotten the dream!  

Of course, there is an easy fix for that,simply bring my computer with me, especially in the post exercise map.  

While I don’t have any idea what the dreams mean,   I  do like to record the dreams, if nothing else so I can review them and see if here are any trends  or patterns etc.  

Google + recently revamped the Google + program. Unfortunately  it really hasn't changed in that the basis promise of allowing you to be be inundated with responses on the subject, and I just don’t have the time or inclination to read!  
Somehow, Facebook has learned to limit the posts you get (although it frequently also sends stuff I don’t want to read.

Glad the weekend is here.  Even though I enjoy my job, it is good to get away for a while/1’’

Thats’ it for now,  Saturday, November 21, 2015.  

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