Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Fall 2015 November 11 Wednesday

67 degrees this morning, walk 38:56 minutes

67 degrees this morning!  Of course, the wind is blowing 21 mph.  

Heard Thomas Friedman (The World is Flat) etc. speak yesterday.  He is amazing.  We enjoyed the presentation.

Actually, his writing on his travels is what got me interested in going to China long before I ever realized I would have a chance to visit.  He also is the reason I am interested in visiting Dubai some time in the future and other places. 

I have to wonder what it is like to be able to move though all the countries of the world so effortlessly as he does.  

His presentation yesterday made me think of my thoughts recently that I am always in “training”.  He basically said that is the way we need to think (not in those words).  He said we needed to “think like an immigrant” and remain open to change.  

I am going to look for a transcript of his presentation so I can remember all that he said!  

Our  daughter in law mentioned on Facebook how rapid technology has grown since she took her first technology class in 1980!  I commented on how technology has REALLY changed since I took my first typing class on a manual typewriter!

Thomas Friedman commented that at the time he wrote “The World is Flat”, (2004) there was no Facebook, no Twitter, no iPhone (first one in 2007) etc.  

He speculated that we are living in a time that is speculator and that will become known as a time similar to the changes of the printing press, except compressed into just a few years.  

I became a “follower”  of him on Twitter and Facebook so I could get his thinking in bits and pieces that I can remember and think about!  

At the same time, perhaps as a result of the rapid progress, there are the sub animal terrorists etc.  

Veterans Day.  I believe 30 years ago today I purchased my first actual “IBM compatible” Personal Computer.  (I had purchased a Vic 20 and Commodore 64 several years earlier).  As I have noted previously I was advised to “buy a hard drive when you are ready”, which I did several months later (all of  a 10 MB (not GB) hard drive!) which I thought was huge!

Perhaps not today, but sometime soon, I will upgrade to a cell phone with probably 64GB of flash memory, which I can’t even guess how many times advanced over that huge personal computer I purchased 30 years ago!.  At at some point I will purchase an “Apple Watch” which will fit on my wrist, which has the power of several thousand times (or more) of that computer I purchased 30 years ago.

Thomas Friedman mentioned if cars had advanced as fast as the computer chip, we would be able to drive all of our lives on a single tank of gas, go hundreds of miles and a new car would cost about $4!  

Have to wonder about the advancement of the electric car (especially if it is all powered by solar energy) which is self driving.  I  really think there will be a lot of “driver assist” functions long before there is an actual “self driving” car that is in common use.

That feeling was reinforced during my trip last week (and experience with my GPS).  The technology just isn’t there in all areas yet and the updates on streets etc. (especially temporary repairs etc.) simply  haven’t caught up with the new technology.

I plan on enjoying the Holiday.  I figured out I could eat all day (including all three or more meals plus snacks and coffee) for free if I copy some DD 214’s!  (That it my discharge papers proving I am veteran.)  I won’t but it is nice to know it is possible. 

That’s it for now, Wednesday, November 11, 2015.  

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