35 degrees this morning, no walk (rain, mud, water, schedule)
Monday after a four day holiday is always a little difficult, and it is even more difficult this morning since I have an early morning appointment. It’ll get me going, anyway.
Didn’t walk primarily because the streets in this area collect standing water, plus the muddy runoff from the lack of adequate erosion control (although it has gotten a lot better than it used to be). Also, I have an early appt. this morning this morning, so thought I will exercise later in the day, probably swim and bike.
I’m still not really used to 2015 and 2016 is almost here! Of course that is the way it is almost every year for the past few years!
The house was shown yesterday. We went to the library, and I was reminded again of how good the library system is in this area.
The county has a property tax that is dedicated to the Library System, and there is a separate Board of Directors, separate budget etc. In my mind it is the only way to set up a library system. It should be separate from the city or county influence and budgeting. I saw how the Library System in Memphis/Shelby County was affected and, while they did the best they could, it was difficult to believe with library system was not treated with more respect.
Some of my earliest memories are going to the library in Holton, Kansas (the Library is still there and operational) and Russell, Kansas, which had an excellent Library System. I believe someone donated a substantial sum of money to build the Russell, Kansas library.
We would go to the library and check out the maximum number of books and the reading would start when we got home!
While I don’t check out the maximum number of books anymore, I still feel a sense of excitement when I go to the library to check out books. I noticed when I stop by to catch up on paperwork during a day “in the field” at a library, I almost feel like I am home, regardless of which library I am at.
For the most part, Librarians are probably the most helpful and professional people in any area. I guess it attracts a certain type of person.
The rain and ice haven’t given us “cabin fever” yet. I expect since the roads basically remained ok, at least we knew we could get out. Although the temperature sounds cold, it isn’t really that bad.
Still working on the “WordPress” site. I actually have what is basically my journal site set up to my general satisfaction. I have another site that I am working on that is rather challenging. Maybe I need to go back and plan what I really want to do first. I have a general idea, but perhaps I need to make more specific plans.
Started reading another fiction book (Michael Koryta, “Last Words”) just for “enjoyment” over the weekend. It is nice to just sit and read without any real purpose in mind other than just to enjoy the story. I liked it because the plot was a little different (lets say much more different).
Both Aliene and I liked the book, although it probably isn’t for everyone. We got some more books by him since we enjoyed this one.
Another benefit of libraries, it gives you a chance to try a new author or subject without a large investment!
That’s it for now, Monday, November 30, 2015