Monday, November 30, 2015

Fall 2015 November 30 Monday

35 degrees this morning, no walk (rain, mud, water, schedule)

Monday after a four day holiday is always a little difficult, and it is even more difficult this morning since I have an early morning appointment.  It’ll get me going, anyway.

Didn’t walk primarily because the streets in this area collect standing water, plus the muddy runoff from the lack of adequate erosion control (although it has gotten a lot better than it used to be).  Also, I have an early appt. this morning this morning, so thought I will exercise later in the day, probably swim and bike.

I’m still not really used to 2015 and 2016 is almost here!  Of course that is the way it is almost every year for the past few years!

The house was shown yesterday.  We went to the library, and I was reminded again of how good the library system is in this area.  

The county has a property tax that is dedicated to the Library System, and there is a separate Board of Directors, separate budget etc.  In my mind it is the only way to set up a library system.  It should be separate from the city or county influence and budgeting.  I saw how the Library System in Memphis/Shelby County was affected and, while they did the best they could, it was difficult to believe with library system was not treated with more respect.  

Some of my earliest memories are going to the library in Holton, Kansas (the Library is still there and operational) and Russell, Kansas, which had an excellent Library System.  I believe someone donated a substantial sum of money to build the Russell, Kansas library.  

We would go to the library and check out the maximum number of books and the reading would start when we got home!  

While I don’t check out the maximum number of books anymore, I still feel a sense of excitement when I go to the library to check out books.  I noticed when I stop by to catch up on paperwork during a day “in the field” at a library, I almost feel like I am home, regardless of which library I am at.

For the most part, Librarians are probably the most helpful and professional people in any area.  I guess it attracts a certain type of person.  

The rain and ice haven’t given us “cabin fever” yet.  I expect since the roads basically remained ok, at least we knew we could get out.  Although the temperature sounds cold, it isn’t really that bad.

Still working on the “WordPress” site.   I actually have what is basically my journal site set up to my general satisfaction.  I have another site that I am working on that is rather challenging.  Maybe I need to go back and plan what I really want to do first.  I have a general idea, but perhaps I need to make more specific plans.  

Started reading another fiction book (Michael Koryta, “Last Words”) just for “enjoyment” over the weekend.  It is nice to just sit and read without any real purpose in mind other than just to enjoy the story.  I liked it because the plot was a little different (lets say much more different).  

Both Aliene and I liked the book, although it  probably isn’t for everyone.  We got some more books by him since we enjoyed this one.  

Another benefit of libraries, it gives you a chance to try a new author or subject without a large investment!

That’s it for now, Monday, November 30, 2015

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Fall 2015 November 29 2015; Happy 16th Birthday kali!

33 degrees this morning (27 degrees WC), no walk (rain and ice)

Happy 16th Birthday Kali!  Hope you have a wonderful 16th in spite of the weather!  

I have an old computer I use for just displaying pictures, and I have been noticing the changes in Kali (and other children) over the years.  Change happens fast and time disappears.  

Electricity went out yesterday morning around 6:30 a.m., off for about five hours.  Even then, we consider ourselves lucky.  

The streets were ok yesterday, although you could see significant damage from the ice on trees and power lines.  

Looking at the “outage map”, the area next to us (which is in a different electricity service area) is still out, or at least listed as being out, and several cities are extremely impacted by the ice and loss of power.

I have to admit, although I enjoy a challenge, this is one time I don’t miss being City Manager, when electricity is off, trees are ripping apart, power lines are falling down and streets are icy!  

Still eating on “leftovers” from Thanksgiving (which are still delicious!), although we have finished most of them.  

So far, I like the Keurig, although getting good coffee for it will probably be the determining factor.  I got a “reusable” pod, which I hope will work out, that I can use my beloved Starbucks French Dark Roast coffee.  I will need to grind it first, but that makes it even better!  

Actually, thus far the “pod coffee”  (it comes with a sample pack) has been reasonably good.

Miss my  walking and exercising.  The first day I miss my walk, I take it as a little mini-vacation and enjoy it.  The second day is a mixture of enjoying the break and missing it, the third day…..  Anyway, it really looks like it will probably be at least Tuesday before I can walk, maybe Monday. 

It would probably help if I didn’t flitter the extra time away.  Actually I normally  use a few minutes to take an extra nap with my “extra” time, but I don't use it as productively as I could.  On the other hand, that may be good.  

Of course in addition to the mud, there is still a lot of water in the streets and I don’t want to take a chance with ice or slippery streets.  

There was a bicycle/motorist accident last night, with the bicyclist listed as having “life threatening injuries”.  

I can only the imagine the thoughts that go through the minds of both the bicyclist and motorist when they realize there is going to be an accident and immediately after the accident.  Thoughts of attempting to wish it away, thinking what you could have done differently etc., before you face dealing with the situation, which takes your mind off of the other until you have time to replay it in your mind.  

Trying to work on the “WordPress” web site yesterday.  I enjoyed the class I took on it.  I got a book as part of the class, but it was nice to have someone I could ask questions when I got stalled on something. 

Yesterday, I had a hard time changing a bulb due to a poorly designed light fixture (or it was not installed correctly).  I checked the web site to see if I could find any information on how to change the bulb (I didn’t).

Lo and behold, what appears in my “Facebook” feed this morning but an ad for the light fixture I looked at!  I had a hard time resisting making a comment! I am going to go into my Facebook settings and set it so that won’t happen in the future!  

Maybe I am a scrooge, but I am getting tired of e-mails about “giving Tuesday” (to the sender of course) and, although unrelated (maybe), it is time to give “throwback Thursday” a rest also.

Another day of rain, just hope the power stays on, the trees live and everyone stays safe!

That’s it for now, Sunday, November 29, 2015!

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Fall 2015 November 28 Saturday

31 degrees this morning (feels like 20 degrees), no walk, rain and ice

Rain and probably freezing rain all day yesterday and last night, probably continuing this morning  Not sure if we are affected by freezing rain yet, although it is all around us. 

Welcome to Winter!

My two days of “holiday” (Thursday and Friday) disappeared in a flash!  I certainly enjoyed them and am now looking forward to the weekend, cold as it may be.

Continued my “three and go” routine on the exercise machines.  I am still getting acquainted with them.  I am a little surprised that many of my muscles I basically thought were “in shape” aren’t!  Even at a light weight, I can feel the strain.  Since I am not a “no pain no gain” person, I probably will be exercising at light weights for awhile. 

Electricity went out during the night (just enough to set the clocks that blink to blinking), fortunately that was all, at least so far!

I finally gave in and got a Keurig yesterday, on sale on a “Black Friday” deal at Macy’s.  Probably the last person in my neighborhood (or whatever) to get one.  

I enjoyed my Croissant (I know, spell check did it to me again) coffee maker, which had a grinder attached, but I thought the Keurig looked neater for showing the house, plus I had wanted to try one.  I decided at this price if I just used it during the time we showed the house, I wouldn’t lose much.  If nothing else I can use it for a quick cup of coffee or to make hot water!  It is especially good for guests who don’t like their coffee as strong as I do. 

I got it together and tried some of the sample coffee and it is actually quite good.  It is also a lot more convenient, especially if you just want  one cup of coffee.  

I use Starbucks “dark roast”  coffee beans in my grinder coffee maker, which is excellent coffee.  I got some Starbucks dark roast  “pods” at Starbucks, frankly I won’t pay that kind of price again, but they are available elsewhere at a reasonably lower price.  

Tune 120 of 6,544 on my “original iPod”, “Emmylou Harris” , singing “Mansion on the Hill”.  I am still trying to figure out why the “shuffle” function resets.  It was up to over 700 once before it reset, I believe when I let the battery get low.  Probably just getting old.  

I remember the one time I saw Emmylou Harris in person was in Idaho.  I actually watched at night as a full moon rose behind her.  (The song “Mansion on the Hill” mentions a full moon rising.)

Another dream yesterday morning, another strong dream, although it didn’t make any sense:

11 27 15 Friday: Dream about an old yellow pickup I once had and an apartment complex I once lived in.

For some reason I was trying to sell the pickup, with the dream having it that I had had it since I actually had it (of course, I sold it at least 25 years ago).  

For some reason Eleanor (my sister) was driving it and helping me sell it.  I don’t recall what the problem was but I was sitting in back holding something down and commenting that the good thing about an old pickup is that you can always sell it and an old pickup maintains it value.  

Not sure why the apartments were in the dream, the pickup was on the street in front of them.  Eleanor backed up about two blocks (while warning she was going to make  a turn) and then started down another street.    

No idea why I was going to sell the pickup or to whom. 

I have no idea where this dream came from.  I was amazed I remember the pickup, apartments and streets in such details, I even remembered the names (10th Street was one and Tim Holt Drive was the otherI).

That’s it for now, Saturday, November 28, 2015.  

Friday, November 27, 2015

Fall 2015 November 27 Friday

34 degrees this morning, no walk, rain.  

Had a  very nice Thanksgiving yesterday, lots of visiting and good food.  Also rain, but but the visiting and good food made up for the weather .

Actually, had no food last night, I had had enough food during the day and I’m not that hungry now!!

The first really bad weather of the season.  Freezing rain is possible (or underway), and that is one thing I really don’t like to be out in, especially driving.  The forecast actually doesn’t say freezing rain until later in the day.

It is always nice to see people and especially see the changes in people (especially children) who grow so fast.

Second day of the four day weekend is starting.  I enjoy Holidays, the only problem is  I have so much I want to do, I don’t always get done what I intended.  Not because I was super efficient and got everything done, but because I am trying to figure out which project to tackle and end up not getting as much does I should.

I also occasionally have guilt feelings about not working on job related work.  Since I can’t work over 40 hours per week, that resolved that problems, but it is hard to overcome years of working on weekends, holidays and early mornings.  

On the other hand, I keep fairly business in my “off” time on a variety of activities.   If I start a side business, it will be after we have the housing decision resolved.  

For some reason, a “home repair” Magazine  (or something like that).  They obviously didn’t realize who they were sending it too!  I am have little skills in this area and at least am smart enough to realize that.  I did enjoy leafing through it and being amazed by what people who are somewhat skilled in this area could actually accomplish!

I think I forgot to mention, we did get the outside grill put together.  It took us a while and we swore vengeance on the company that made it, but we did get it together!  Actually I think we worked on it for about three hours (and that was working continuously).  We had a lot of wrong moves, but eventually we got it together, with the exception of the actual gas tank, or whatever you call the fuel.

Rain is falling much harder now, I hope it doesn’t turn to ice.  

A good feature of this house is that it seems to maintain temperature well, at least so far, the HVAC had worked well in both warm and cool weather.  I guess the real test will be the few  days it will be under 20 degrees for an extended period.  

Back to Holidays, I normally get “priority” projects completed, so I probably need to make a list of projects I want to complete (such as update my passwords so I have them when I upgrade my phone or computer!  Nothing more frustrating than having to redo all of your passwords because you forgot them since the computer remembers them.  This is especially true with “cloud” computing (when what I write on one computer goes to all the devices).  

For example, what I write on “notes” on my laptop, shows up on my iPhones, iPad etc., both my e-mails are “pushed” to my mobile device and if I don’t have the right password, it will show up as an error code.  

Of all the “apps” and everything it is hard to top “notes”, which comes on all Apple devices.

Looks like will be a rainy and cold “Black Friday”.  Fortunately, we do not have anything really planned outside the house (although we are going to the Y, if the weather allows etc.), since I really don’t like driving in freezing rain.

That’s it for now, Friday, November 27, 2015.  

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Fall 2015 November 26 Thursday

65 degrees this morning, Walk 39:24 minutes 

65 degrees this morning and I just read that a “Winter Storm Watch” has been issued!  The weather is achanging.  

Of course “spell check” had a problem with “achanging”.  Sometimes I get very tired of computers and cell phones (more relevant, the programers) who think they know what you want. 

I especially find it tiresome when they “update” a program without any warning or instructions with how to deal with then new mess they have created (since as WordPress recently didi).  I realize upgrades are necessary and good, but they seem to take pride in springing them on you and letting you know that they think they know what you want.

Kind of like Amazon and some other web sites who “suggest” things.  I know what I want, I don’t need some algorithm, no matter how smart, telling me or even suggesting I might want something.  

What is so funny is that when you buy something you wouldn’t buy another one of for awhile (for example, a computer) they send computer ads all over the place  aimed at you!  I assume they are charging the companies represented for this, even though there is zero chance I will buy it in the near future.  

Thanksgiving and the start of a four-day holiday.  Too bad about the upcoming (forecasted) bad weather, but it will still be nice to be off and visit (and eat).  

I am trying to figure out how to subscribe to some of the Google+ “communities” without getting inundated.  Maybe set up a second Google + account I can read when I want to.  

I am trying to trim the e-mails from companies I have no interest in receiving.  This is for established companies, not necessarily spam.  There should be a simple “block” feature rather than have to confirm your address.

I have learned to always use an e-mail address I may look at once a month when responding to many companies.  They just are using a cheap and intrusive way to get your e-mail address.  

Of course, my iPhone has a “block feature” and I have found that this one persistent caller (a credit card company I have zero interest in) keeps changing their number and calling.  I probably have ten numbers blocked from them.  I really don’t understand why they waste their time and money.  

In a way I blame Zig Ziglar and similar people who teach salespersons that if they are persistent they will make the sale. That simply isn’t true.

I think that is  ok (I actually enjoyed listening to his taped booksI), but I think they need to teach sales people that a good sales person actually provides a service (or productI) to a person or company and the salespersons job is also to determine what is best of the customer, not just sell what will make the salesperson the most commission.  

Received the results of the sleep study.  I always resent the way medical records/reports are worded and the way they try to take over your life.  No wonder so few people follow what they suggest and why so many people refuse to go for medical tests etc.  Nothing really bad bout the results, just the way the entire report is worded makes me want to tell them what they  can do with their suggestions!

One suggestion will need to  follow is to lose weight.  While I haven’t gained any weight, I haven’t lost any either and I have to admit I do need to lose some weight.  

A second day of the exercise machines.  (I am trying three a day until I decide on a routine).  I again found muscles I didn’t know I had and I expect the machines will be beneficial. 

Almost forgot, another dream:  

11-25-15:  Dream

Dreamed we were taking a tour of the (a city organization) in the state we live in.

Anglea and I went  on it, Aliene was around, but I’m not sure where.

I twas thinking I should advise Aliene before we left, but it was a guided tour and  we left too fast.

The organizations offices were being renovated, the floors and allies were all plain concrete.  In fact I thought it looked good until I saw it was a renovation.

I put some items I was carrying down, I didn’t want to carry them on the tour .  I tried to find a safe place.

Thank I woke up with the feeling someone important had happened and I needed to write it down. 

Not sure where we started etc., but the main part of the dream was the empty concrete building and me  trying to find a place to put what I had bought along.

This could reflect a story I read about the organization  and the way I had carried my gym bag around on the exercise  machines Monday

That’s it for now, Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, November 26, 2015.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Fall 2015 November 25 Wednesday

61 degrees this morning, 38:52 minute walk

61 degrees was nice, although they are predicting a variety of weather this weekend.  Nice walk this morning, although somewhat windy.  

Listening to “Wilson”, a biography of President Woodrow Wilson.  I didn’t really know much about him, so I am enjoying listening to it.  Still in early stages, but so far it is an interesting and enlightening book, both positive and negative.

Started on the exercise machines yesterday.  I just did three sets of ten on three machines at a very light weight.  It was a learning exercise, I did learn I needed to leave my stuff in the locker instead of carry it around! 

I also realized that there are a few muscles that I am going to have to proceed carefully on!  I was surprised at how much my muscles (I think) complained about having to move a certain way!  

I expect I will be in a learning mode on the exercise machines for a few weeks, which is ok.  Better than not trying at all.  I need to remember to attempt what is difficult, not just what is easy.

I am really enjoying the opportunity to swim in an excellent pool.  At some point I will take some swimming lessons, but not right now.   It is hard to explain how good it feels to guide through the water.  

I may pull the trigger on a new iPhone today.  I am now debating between “waiting until next year” and going ahead with it.  If I wait much longer, I may as well wait until the iPhone 7 comes out!  I think this time of year is kind of the “sweet spot”, when (assuming I go with a leasing program where I trade in every year), I would get a new model of iPhone fairly fast, but it would hopefully have most of the bugs worked out.  

Just upgraded to the latest IOS 9.1, I believe.  It is good.

Trying to use my iMac G5 (ten years old this year, which is probably about 10 generations in human life-200 years old?) to a “picture and music machine”.  It still works good, but I forgot how “slow” now seemed “fast” ten years ago!  The improvements in speed are amazing.

Just learned that a good friend of mine is in hospice care, at his home thank goodness.  I both look forward to visiting with him and certainly regret the circumstances.  I knew he was ill, but didn’t realize how ill.  I don’t want to say anything that may identify him so I won’t say much more than that.

I expect that is something that will become more common in my life over the coming years.  One thing about living this long is I realize, it is part of a natural process.  Doesn’t mean you shouldn’t fight it.  

While, regretfully, I am not much for reading poetry, I always was struck by the Dylan Thomas poems, especially this part of “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night”:

“Do not go gentle into that good night, 
Old age should burn and rage at close of day; 
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though wise men at their end know dark is right”

I always wished I enjoyed reading poetry more than I do.  I just don’t, but on the other hand, maybe I appreciate more that I do like and that has an impact on me.  

Another Thanksgiving.  I am looking forward to the break and the chance to visit and, yes, eat!  

That’s it for now, Wednesday, November 25, 2015.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Fall 2015 November 24 Tuesday

46 degrees (40 degrees wc) this morning, Walk 38:12 minutes

Our internet, tv and phone wend out yesterday.  It was out from about 3:00 p.m. until some time in the night.  

Makes me realize how dependent we are on others for our lives.  The cable company actually called us every half hour to advise us of the expected time it would be fixed.  When we first reported it, they didn’t even realize there was an outage.  

Also, yesterday morning was like a river in front of our house as a water leak several houses away streamed (and wasted) water.  

There seem to be an extraordinary number of water leaks in this city, or maybe I just happen to be the first to see and report them.  I have reported at least four major water leads (several REALLY major, they actually flooded the streets), and I think Aliene has reported one.  

We went through “Hurricane Elvis” in Lakeland (I believe in 2003) and were without electric power for seven days.  It was lucky it was Summer.  While we were glad to get the power back on, we actually adjusted to it without any major problems.  

I think that was the summer we first started going to going to Memphis Redbirds baseball games.  It felt so good to go where there was power and everything was relatively “normal”!  

Last night on my way to Toastmasters, I noticed gas at gas station I normally get gas was $1.58 per gallon and, 4 miles on down the road, it was $1.57.  (The station I normally get gas is about 2 miles away.)

On my way back from Toastmasters, the station 4 miles away had increased the price to $1.69 per gallon, so I quickly got some gas at $1.58 while I still could!  

While .11 per gallon isn’t much considering I only needed about 10 gallons of gas, but I figure I can use the money better than the gas station!  

The Toyota Camry hybrid has been averaging (long term, all driving) about 36 mpg.  As with all cars, short trips bring the average down.  On longer trips I average about 41 mpg, but on road  trips it goes back to about 36 mpg again.  I really can’t figure it out!

It has an “electric vehicle” mode, which really isn’t much good other than just a play toy.  I do enjoy trying to keep it in electric mode as long as possible and about a mile is it.  

I have been reading that many of the smaller hybrids now have “electric vehicle” modes (just the battery is used) up to 60 miles, which would be a big help, since  most of my trips are less than 60 miles.

Of course, I think the real goal is to have an all electric car that can be powered completely by solar power.  

I like the hybrid, not just because it saves money (with the current price of gas, it doesn’t really matter that much) but because I feel like it is a swing against the oil complex, OPEC, ISIS etc. and especially the oil companies etc. who arbitrarily increase the price of gas and gouge the public.

For example, I knew that right before Thanksgiving Holidays, the price of gas was going to increase, so the oil complex could gouge the pubic as they went on holiday travel.  When gas increased .11 in one hour, I think I was correct.

One of those things I can’t do anything about, so I won’t worry about it, except do as much as possible to beat the system by driving a hybrid or eventually an electric car of whatever.

I have to praise “7-11”, at least the locally owned chain.  I feel they are the most ethical gas chain in town, they don’t play the “10% ethanol” game where they advertise a low price for “10% ethanol regular”, but then their premium gas is “pure” gas, at about a $1.00 higher!  Of course, the Camry doesn’t require premium, but I’ve stayed with 7-11 out of principle.  

Also, although I have nothing against the lottery, they maintain ethics above profit by refusing to sell lottery tickets.  I’m sure this costs them both in lottery tickets and gas and merchandise they would have sold if they offered lottery tickets.  If the owners are against the lottery and don’t sell them, I have to admire that.

That is why I continue to buy gas at 7-11, even when it is higher.

That’s it for now, Tuesday, November 24, 2015.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Fall 2015 November 23 Monday

38 degrees (feels like 30 degrees) this morning, walk 40:12 minutes 

It only seems a short time ago that I wrote “Fall 2015” for the first time, now Winter 2015 is just a short month away!

Temperature wasn’t bad at all during my walk, in fact I probably dressed a little too warm for it.  The wind is always a big factor.  

While we don’t have a dog etc. and no plans to get one, a friend’s dog recently died, a dog she doted on.  While we don’t live in the area anymore, we actually developed a real liking for the dog and feel sad for both our friend and the dog.   (He wasn’t that old.)

It reminded me of the dog that hung around our house when I was a child.  The story was that it came by with a pack of dogs one night, and probably stayed due to the ability to have food and love provided by 7 children!  (Actually it was probably 4 at the time, but we had friends who came over).  

I can remember it traveling with me on walks, sleeping with me on the porch on warm summer nights and otherwise acting as a member of the family.

My dad would never let animals in the house, except when it was thundering and lightning.  The dog (we named him “Puppy” and he bore this name his whole life and in our memories these many years later) was extremely frightened by lightning and thunder (and fireworks) and would run in the house.  

I remember at least one time, the screen door was locked and Puppy came right through the screen door.

My Dad would act like the dog wasn’t there during thunder storms and completely ignore him, but he let him stay in the house.   

Anyway, I can still rememberer my extreme sadness when Puppy weakly  drink some milk one day and died, so I can somewhat understand how our friend is feeling.  My Dad, for all he acted like he didn’t like Puppy was probably as upset as anyone, maybe even more so.

Later I would get another dog (a truly crazy dog named Honey), but otherwise I hated to get a dog because they live such relatively brief lives, and I hated it so much when they died, plus taking care of them is like having a permanent baby.    

A really weird dream yesterday morning, obviously somewhat related to our current situation: 
11 22 15 Sunday Dream

Dream we were getting our house up for sale (it wasn’t this one, it seemed to be at least partially vacant.)

I was in a room picking up items (it seemed like clothes, but I’m not sure).  

I was surprised when a real estate agent walked in (without knocking or ringing on the door bell) and looked in

I asked her if she was going to show the house, she said (I think) “Donnie and Frankie are going to look at it”.

I ran to tell Aliene since we weren’t prepared.

I went to a room I had left some clothes on the floor to pick them up and noticed some trees/plants had fallen over and left some dirt on the floor.  In fact several were small trees that had been ripped off, line in a high wind and laying on the floor.  Dirt was all over the floor.

I ran to tell Aliene when I noticed all of the electricity was off.   I ran through the house turning on lights but the power had gone off.

At that point I woke up.

That’s it for now, Monday, November 23, 2015.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Fall 2015 November 22 Sunday

25 degrees this morning (feels like 16 degrees), no walk

Although it was generally forecast, I was surprised by the temperature this morning (especially the “feels like”).  Although I normally walk in all kinds of temperature, I was caught short and not prepared for this!  I will be ready by tomorrow though.  

One forecast was even for a “winterly mix” sometime this week (I don’t walk in that and if I don’t have to drive I don’t do that either!).

Almost finished setting up the house for viewing for sale. It has been a lot of work, but it has helped us continue to get rid of things we don’t use or need.  As I mentioned, Aliene is a genius at organizing.  

Several months ago, we bought a “grill” (as in outside cooking grill).  While we expected to put a few things together, we were stunned to find that there are about 50 pieces (including the actual grill to put together.  Never again.  Anyway, we are going to try to finish that up today.

What is so weird is there is a piece of paper giving a number you can call to have it assembled, but it was way under everything so that you didn’t  see it until it was half assembled.  

The way many businesses view customers as “targets” or “victims” to be scammed instead of customers, it wouldn’t surprise me if it was deliberate.  

Went to the going away/retirement party of the Dance Instructor/School of Dance Director.  He was actually the reason Aliene and I met, although we like to think we would have met another way if we hadn’t at the dance lessons.  

He was a Dance Instructor who had a vision of a “School of Dance” (for all types of dance) and he made it happen.

When I started going to dance classes, the dance classes were in a non-profit building that rented facilities for different events.  

The Dance Instructor simply made his vision of a “School of Dance” work through persuasion and hard work.  He had volunteers do most of the work and money was contributed and raised in a variety of ways.  

He also had the foresight to bring in instructors and set up a structure that will allow the School of Dance to continue after he leaves, which is probably just as important as building it.

Like anyone, he had some blind spots and flaws that sometimes jeopardized his vision, but he apparently managed to work through them. 

He was more than patient with me in learning to dance because he needed men, since there were always more women than men!  Eventually I feel I learned to become at least a competent dancer, thanks to him.  

What surprised me about last night is that I recognized more of the men that the women.  (Dance classes were set up so a man would dance with all of the women, so logically you met more of the women than the men, so I thought I would recognize more of the women.)  I mentioned that to Aliene and she said it was because women changed their appearance more than men did.  Thinking about it, that is probably true.  

We record our favorite college football teams on Saturday and frequently don’t  watch them until Sunday morning, so we try not to read any sports news Saturday night or early Sunday morning until we finish watching the games.

We did watch the K-State game last night (which was wonderful!!) and the  two other games we wanted to watch were both last night, so we basically taped them and will watch them today (unless we accidentally see the scores!).

That’s it for now, Sunday, November 22, 2015.