Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Summer 2015 September 8 Tuesday ("The Coat' passes to a new generation)

81 degrees this morning, walk 38:12 minutes

Still a cool breeze this morning in spite of the stated temperature.  Kind of the best of both worlds.

Passed on “the coat” to my Granddaughter, who expressed an interest in it.  Basically it was a jean jacket I decorated with symbols of various parts/events of my life or just things that interested me. 

As suggested to me, I took a lot of pictures of it and extracted a promise from my Granddaughter that if she ever tired of it and didn’t pass it onto another generation, she would give it back to me!  

“The coat” symbolized a period of my life that I enjoyed but wouldn’t want to do now.  I’m not sorry, I enjoyed it, but that period is past.  

Hopefully Katherine will enjoy it and modify it to suit her own tastes and experiences!  

I will post the pictures, probably here, but not on Facebook.  

“the Coat” actually goes back more than 25 years, although I haven’t worn it or thought much about it for 20 years, so it was time for it to be passed on to someone who will enjoy it and use it.  

Actually, that is one of the best ways I have of thinking about giving up things, is that someone is will enjoy them, or at least get some utility from them.   

Baseball season, at least the team whose games we attend, is over, although there is at least one “playoff” game left.  We throughly enjoyed it, although we (or at least I) wished I had exercised more control over the “all the food you can eat” available at each game.  

I have to say it was very good food, they did an excellent job of preparing it.  Each game, there was a “buffet” of usually hot dogs, hamburgers, chicken breasts, cheese, chicken tenders, popcorn, peanuts and cookies, and, frequently, corn dogs!  

During the game we could order such food as peanuts, cracker jacks, big pretzels and cheese, potato chips, M & M’s, etc.  It was like being both in heaven (all the food was so good and available) and hell (It was so tempting!), although in the end I was the one that made the decision on what I actually ate.  Also, I had all the water and coffee I could drink, which was wonderful!

Back to work after a 3-day weekend, always a little difficult!  It seems after a 4 day weekend, you are ready to go back to work, a 3 day weekend always leaves you wanting a little more free time.  

Today will be an “office day” as I catch up from last week and prepare for this week.  I enjoy the fact I always have something waiting for me to do.  

The oxygen machine is going ok, I am still figuring out exactly how to use it.  I expect I will be able to tell the difference, if any,  during the “work week”.  

This morning, my book (Outlaw Platoon) ended shortly after my walk started.  While I had another book I could have started and another device with music, I decided to walk in silence with my thoughts.  

I enjoyed the silent walk, although my desire to listen to something is stronger than my desire for a quet walk.  

That’s it for now, Tuesday, September 8, 2015.

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