Thursday, September 10, 2015

Summer 2015 September 10 Thursday

68 degrees this morning, Walk 37.47 minutes 

New time record for my walk, in fact the first time I have completed it in less than 38 minutes (I believe anyway).  

Anytime I set a new time record, I review where I walked to see if I unintentionally took a shortcut!  Sometimes I suddenly wonder if I am lost while walking (although I quickly get my bearings), so it would not be unusual if I took a wrong turn, but I”m pretty sure this is my usual walk this morning.  

68 degrees is a 13 degree drop from the last time I sat on the patio.  Obviously I can feel the coolness, but it really doesn’t feel uncomfortable, in fact it feels very comfortable.  However, there i son wind.

Listening to a book about  Elon Musk during my walk (founder of Paypal, Tesla etc.).  Unfortunately  the book is written in a tone of awe that indicates it will only be positive.  Nothing wrong with positive, I appreciate it, but I think someone like that deserves a balanced biography, not a book written in a tone of awe  (or a tone of he can do no right either).  

I do get tired of people trying to tear down persons like Elon Musk, but if you are going to write a biography….  Maybe it will get better.  At least I will learn something, since I know absolutely nothing about him.

I never really had any positive feelings for “Paypal” and try to avoid using it except where absolutely necessary, although that is just me.  I prefer to use my credit card and get “rewards”!
Maybe if I had a business, I would feel differently.

The walk went ok in spite of the carelessness and lack of cleanup by the builders.  I have a flashlight to get around the junk in the street and the balls of dirt left from the lack of erosion control.

Read up some more on “Lifetime” warranties after noting a story about a person who purchased a product with a “lifetime” warranty and was advised after making a claim after seven years that the “lifetime” of the product was five years!  

I should have noted the name of the company, since I would want to make sure I never purchase a product from them.

I did find out that a company saying a product has a “lifetime” warranty has to define “lifetime”, although it is unclear exactly where and how.  

I think they ought to make it simple and say “lifetime” means “lifetime” instead of allowing room for companies to confuse the issue, which the unscrupulous will.

I”m still not sure if my “lifetime” guarantee means “lifetime” or not.  Why not just say “five years” if they define five years as a “lifetime”? 

Of course, there is the other side, a “lifetime” guarantee also means the “lifetime” of the company which makes the guarantee.  

Started listening to music while writing this every morning. Right now, of of my favorites, the “Orange Blossom Special” with the fiddle and accordion!  

Also reminded that while Apple makes some great products they also make some major flubs.  Listening on a very early generation of the iPod shuffle because after the “gum stick”, iPod Shuffle, I don’t care for any of the IPod Shuffles.  I don’t know why the batteries are still good after almost 9 years (I believe), but I just am glad they are.  

Office day today.  

That’s it for now, Thursday, September 10, 2015.  

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