Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Summer 2015 September 22 Tuesday

74 degrees this morning, walk 37:51 minutes 

Sitting out on the patio this morning.   I enjoy this time of the morning, after I finish my walk, shower, shaving etc.  It is like a little rest in the day, an oasis of time when I have finished my first phase of the day (yes, I consider shaving “work”, although I almost always shave every day anyway). and can write this post and then take a nap.  

My morning routine has completely changed from what it used to be.  Since the newspapers don’t arrive until “late”  (6 a.m, 7 a.m., on Sundays) I have not followed my routine of reading the papers in the morning.  I don’t like to rush reading them.

Usually after taking my post-exercise nap, I eat breakfast, maybe take one very short nap (even as little as 5 minutes) and then at work.  

I am trying to figure how to figure how to fit swimming into my schedule (swimming and bicycling).  

My schedule has changed so much from two years ago, or even one year and one month ago (before I started working at my current job), I am amazed.  

I still love my morning time, even though I may like to organize it a little different, although it really isn’t bad right now, once I fit my  swimming and bicycling into the schedule, and that doesn’t necessarily need to be in the morning.  

Probably the “non-negotible” items that I will keep doing no matter what (weather and physical condition permitting!) is my walk, my blog time and my nap.  

Of course, I used to feel my “newspaper time” was non-negotible, but the newspaper not being delivered early enough took care of that.  

Plenty of internet news (including the exact physical newspapers I read now) are available, but somehow it isn’t the same.  Maybe it will be sometime.  

One alternative is to go to the YMCA early (after my walk and blog) and then start work a little later, since I actually have two hours to play with during my work time, “play” meaning I have two hours during the time from 6:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m when I’m not supposed to be working.  However I like the idea of starting early to catch what is going on, and staying late so I won’t miss anything!

Speaking of news media, usually I read the USA Today on it’s app while I eat breakfast.  Yesterday, as “news”, over 50%!!!! of the “news” stories were on the “Emmys”.  I don’t even know exactly what an “Emmy” is and I could care less who won, much less who dressed as what or whatever.  No objection to an entire section on this, but “news”. ??? Hardly.  Adding stories about “NFL cheerleaders “ and some story about a golfer and I think there was two actual “news” stories in the entire section!

I really wonder why I keep  reading it, except it reads fast (I only read about 20% of the stories) and I like the news stories about technology and apps etc.  plus their stock market coverage.  Also their news stories are very light and not very factual, as opposed to the New York Times and Wall Street Journal.  

Probably the main reason is it reads well on my iPad and it is much easier to read on my iPad at the breakfast area than it is to read on my computer.  For the same reason, I read most of my internet “news” stories on my iPhone while in the bathroom or waiting  someplace.   The Wall Street Journal reads very well on an iPad, while the New York Times reads much better on my laptop.  

Worked on some special projects yesterday for work, which was fun.  A “field”  day today and then a long awaited office day tomorrow to catch up on some office work.

That’s it for now, Tuesday, September 22, 2015.

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