74 degrees this morning, walk 37:17 minutes
Another nice morning for a walk and sitting on the outside patio.
I had this inspiration to listen to every song on my iPod (all 6,544 of them on this iPod). However, I have decided it may not be such a good idea after all. As they say, life’s too short. My reaction to songs ranged from “I have to delete this song NOW” to “I need to get this on a playlist”.
The discovery of another song I liked was great, but I decided this isn’t the time to do this. I would be spending all my time organizing my songs, and that isn’t really a priority right now, at least in the morning hours.
After carrying my iPhone during my morning walk, I really wonder how all of the “fitness” watches, devices etc. are going to compete with something most people carry with them all the time? While I just use it for measuring my “steps”, I could also use it as a timer, and there are apps for measuring heart beat, etc. all on one device that you carry all the time. It also can track your walk etc.
It was good to get back to swimming yesterday. While I am not much of a swimmer, I enjoy propelling myself through the water.
I am considering taking swimming lessons, but haven’t decided yet.
One concept about exercise is that you (in this case I) need to be concerned with “taking it to the next level”. Frankly, I’m happy with this level, why would I want to take it to the “next level”?
Not that I might not want to some time, but first I like to get comfortable with my current level.
I mention this, since if I take swimming lessons, learn to use some of the strength machines, become better at free weights etc., it seems that all of the trainers, books etc. have this addition to “talking it to the next level”.
I think that is a concept that turns people off on everything from exercise to Toastmasters to all recreational sports and hobbies and even work.. Sometimes, it is ok to be ok with where you are at something and not be concerned with or even want to “take it to the next level”.
If you want to “take something to the next level” that is great, but I don’t feel everyone should assume that this is the goal of everyone.
My “work” iPhone voice mail had problems the other day. I live on voice mail on my work phone, so it made me realize how important technology is and how much we depend on it! Fortunately, AT&T was extremely helpful, and I just happened to be about in the parking lot of the Apple store! Nothing like the panic of having 6 voice mails and you can’t access your voice mail!
All to the point of I may be able ot justify upgrading my iPhone 5 to a 6S! Actually, it is Aliene’s turn to upgrade and I have no problem with taking over her 5S, but she doesn’t really want ot upgrade while her phone is working so well and set up.
Now, I need to decide how I buy it! I like the idea of leasing it from Apple, but I also like to have the old iPhone to “re-purpose”, they are such a magnificent piece of technology.
As with travel, I enjoy the planning, the researching the color, around of memory, type of phone, how to buy it etc.
Field day today at work. At this time of the month, I am primarily involved in finishing up and it isn’t as much fun as the first of the month.
That’s it for now, Thursday, September 24, 2015
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