Saturday, September 05, 2015

Summer 2015 September 5 Saturday

80 degrees this morning, walk 39:32 miles

In spite of the stated heat (80 degrees) it  really does’t seem all that hot in the early dawn.  

The night at different elevations is definitely different.  It is much cooler even at this elevation than in Memphis (which was  around 250’ above sea level.

I was surprised to read that  oxygen in the blood is significant lower at higher elevations.  I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised, since that has been discussed as far as athletics training at higher elevations etc. to adapt to the new elevation.

I may get used to the different elevations, but I don’t know that I “adapt” to the different elevations.  Probably I do or I would never have noticed it.  

I never thought of the places I grew up (Kansas) as “higher elevation”, but I guess it is called the “high plains” for a reason.  

I still remember the first summer I went to Denver for a summer job.  During a break I want to Pikes Peak.  I got out at Pikes Peak and almost fell over from the (I assume now) the lack of oxygen.  

There is another mountain west of Denver.  Don’t recall the name, but it has, supposedly, the “worlds highest highway”, probably with 3 or 4 asterisks that limit the designation.  Anyway, I remember that mountain didn’t bother me, maybe because we drove and took breaks, so we somewhat got used to the elevation.  

I really wonder how (of course the why is always there also), the many people ascend Mt. Everest, and also the many who have been killed there.  I think in most cases, falls and bad weather affect more people than altitude sickness.  

Anyway, even at 80 degrees, it is very pleasant on the patio in the early morning.  Later today, after the sun rises I m sure it won’t be as near as pleasant.

Aliene and I both have continued vestiges of the cold/sinus infection/whatever it is.  I have an occasional cough, but overall feel much better.  

As I mentioned before, I am listening to the book “Outlaw Platoon” on my walk.  I think, just like the Viet Nam war, the disparity in the “worlds” is just amazing.  

The book describes the culture and the culture is so different, it is almost unbelievable that two such different cultures exist on the same planet, and maybe they don’t “co-exist” as such.  

Currently, the author is on leave from his Platoon, describing the sudden change from battle to family.

Now that my cold is hopefully over, I intend to bear down on eating less.  The one “eating plan” (i hate to use the word “diet”) that works for me is the “low carb” plan, probably because it eliminates many high calorie foods, as much as the carbs.

Actually, I kind of consider there are “good carbs” (fruit, vegetables, peanut butter)and “bad carbs”  (bread, potatoes, candy etc.).  I don’t worry about the ‘good cards”  (I was kidding about peanut butter being “good carbs) but try to control the “bad carbs”.

I think the  biggest factor is simply being aware of what I eat and avoid eating the bad items, or at least control them.

Looking forward to a three day weekend!

That’s it for now, Saturday, September 5, 2015

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