Friday, September 04, 2015

Summer 2015 September 4 Friday

76 degrees this morning, walk 39:20 minutes

Several busy days “training” a new person.  While I always learn something in the process and enjoy it, it is nice to get back to my normal routine.  

I am slowly but surely getting ride of the cold/sinus infection whatever it was.  I think it was more than just a sinus infection, since Aliene developed some of the basic symptoms (coughing, rough throat etc.) although not as bad.  

Saw (and smelled) a skunk this morning during my morning walk.  To say I tread carefully would be putting it mildly.  Actually I smelled it in one place and saw one in another.  

Skunks always remind me of the time I just kind of nicked a freshly hit skunk.  Our car had a horrible odor for a week.  

Went to see a play at a local theatre last night.  It was a “dress rehearsal” play.  While the play itself does not qualify as one of the best I have seen, I enjoyed the live performance and the efforts by the persons who obviously are doing something they enjoy doing for very little in return, at least in terms of money.

I wonder what continues to energize the people involved.  I am sure that they perform much more than one role, in the sense that actors probably also have to do the stage work etc.  

That is one of those things I always “plan” to do, but somehow  never seem to get around to doing it, so I am glad I did it and I plan on doing it again.  

Meanwhile, as I sit outside I am glad I can’t hear the dog barking incessantly in the distance in the house.  How someone can sit and let a dog bark, not only for the dog, but also for the thousands of people who are bothered by the barking, especially at this time of the day.  

I really wonder about people with so little concern for others and so wrapped up in themselves. 

Friday before a three day weekend.  Means the drivers around here will really be driving bad today.  It is always bad around here on a Friday and the Friday before the last three day holiday of Summer will probably be especially bad. 

College football kind of crept up on me.  I was surprised last night to learn that one of our favorite state college teams was playing.  I guess that is one of the true signs of the ending of summer, as sure as the birds flying south!

I realized recently that i read very few actual books anymore.  I think it is just the advancement of technology taking up my free time, other activities etc., but I still have to wonder at not havig the compulsion I have had all my life.  

It isn’t that I don’t read, I still read all the time, magazines, papers, etc., but I just don’t seem to read many books, especially fiction books.

I’m not sure if I have changed, or the world has changed.   While I realize  that time is simply being filled with other activities that were’t here years ago (computers, information available on the internet etc.), I find I just don’t have the desire to read the normal books.  

If I start a book and recognize a well-worn plot, I am likely to ditch it, in favor of a more non-traditional book.  

More on that later.

That’s it for now, Friday, September 4, 2015. 

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