Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Summer 2015 September 16 Wednesday

75 degrees this morning, walk 38:22 minutes 

Definite chill in the mornings now, although it is still comfortable.  

Listening to the book on Elon Musk, I realized almost all of the “disrupters” actually are following the tradition of centuries, following the steps of Carnegie, Rockefeller etc.  

-Break the law early ignoring “inconvenient” laws.

-Make money because of a combination of skill, individual effort, luck etc. as well as  ignoring such laws while others follow them or are caught

-Use the money to pay off politicians etc. so suddenly the laws are “adjusted” so they can take advantage of the new law and make even more money etc. or an exception is made on the basis of “economic development”  (crony capitalism).  

I don’t know if this is good or bad, but it appears to be the pattern. 

What I don’t like is what I see every day, is the small business person who either follows the law, or is caught and made to follow the law, so that the business is never a success and normally fails under the burden of rules, regulations and laws.  

Anyway, I also see enough small businesses that are successful by following the law and regulations etc. that it can be  and is done.  

On another subject, the city we live in bases the sewer charge on the basis of “winter” usage of water, so that, at least in theory, you  pay only for the sewer that you use and you don’t pay sewer rates for water sued for watering laws, swimming pools etc.  

Since sewer consumption is based on water usage, this generally makes sense.

Anyway, I noticed our sewer rate was based on “zero” winter month usage of water.  I called this to the attention of the city officials and they were very responsive and changed the base rate to 4,000 gallons per month, probably saving us a few dollars per month during the summer (probably around $12.00 per month, but that is $12 we can use somewhere else)!

Anyway, it proved to me that it is worth it to check your bill!  I have noted mistakes on every credit card bills where a charge was incorrectly based on my bill.  Not often but it happens.

Of course, the phone companies and cable tv companies are notorious for putting little charges “for your convenience” on your bill.   They always take them off if you complain, but you think of the number of people who don’t complain and they make a tidy amount from this practice.

Last two days I have ben “training” another person.  I both learn how much I know, and how much I don’t know, when I have to train someone.  

When you try to teach something, I can understand why teachers appreciate questions.  It points out areas where you may have been unclear or even areas where I misunderstood something or need to clarify my understanding of the process.  

It is also always enjoyable to watch someone suddenly catch on to something based on on my instruction1  

Killed a scorpion last night, or what appears to be a scorpion. so we are going to call the pest control person!

I got bit by a scorpion (actually two bites) years ago, and I never want to go through that again!  We are also suddenly wearing some kind of footwear in the house!

That’s it for today, Wednesday, September 16, 2015.

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