Friday, September 25, 2015

Fall 2015 September 25 Friday

67 degrees this morning, walk 37:47 minutes

Still pleasant on the patio this morning, in spite of the 67 degree temperature.  

It’s Friday!  Usually it means I am looking forward to a 2 day weekend,but this weekend I have a special assignment over the weekend, one of the only times during the year that I am expected to work other than normal hours.  

I find it difficult to remember what it was like to have evening meetings 2 to 3 times per week and literally working all my waking hours some days.  I’m not sorry for the experience, but it is difficult now to remember what that was like, now that I literally have never worked an evening meeting (other than something I go to voluntarily) and don’t usually work outside of working hours.  

Times change, like they say, the only sure thing is that change will occur, and you might as well be sure it is a positive change, at least find the positive aspects of it. 

Listening to my iPod music on “shuffle” which is always a good experience if I am in the mood for it.  I decided to listen to my “original iPod” and see if the battery continues to last.  So far, the battery has lasted like new or even better than new, as far as I can tell.  I have listened for about six hours on this battery charge and the battery is still about 3/4 full.  

Picked up my new eye glasses yesterday.  Whew!  I can see again1  I didn’t realize how bad the glasses I had were, both in being able to see good and how they looked.  They must have gotten the prescription wrong or the eye doctor made a mistake.

We got our glasses last December.  We have both a new eye-doctor and a new eye-glass place as you can imagine after our experience with our past glasses.

Frankly, my eye-glasses are probably too expensive, but sometimes the best is never too expensive.  Especially when it comes to your eyes!  Also the comfort of something I wear literally every waking minute (except while walking or swimming) is worth it, as well as the much better quality of reading  

Another dream, this one after my “post walk nap”.  I am trying to remember my dreams and the only way I can remember them is to write them down.  Since it is part of my experience, I am including them in my blog.

If nothing else, it does prove that dreams are influenced by external factors while you are sleeping. 

Dream 9-23-15 Wed.

Dreamed was at dance lessons with Aliene, I believe waiting for dance lessons to start.

Someone (an older man with a mustache and cowboy hat) was signing one of my favorite songs.  

Then it morphed into our old dance instructor (Paul) singing the same song and we thought we didn’t realize he was such a good singer  

We were sitting at a picnic stye table, and I dropped some money and I started finding one dollar bills on the floor.  I picked them up and put them back on the table.  The floor changed from time to time (at least in my memory) from sawdust/dirt to a dance floor.

The singers changed.

A woman came over and sat at our table and sat down and said she was  glad i had found her money.  

We then realized she was one of the singers.  

I tried to say to some people it was a wonderful song, but I couldn’t make my voice lout enough.  I looked at Aliene (right next to me) and realized she didn’t hear me either.    

I woke up.  

The song was actually one I was listening to while I was taking my nap.  

That’s it for now, Friday, September 25, 2015.

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