Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Summer 2015 September 2 Wednesday

75 degrees this morning, walk 38:30 minutes

Higher  wind this morning than usual at this time, makes it a little cooler, but not uncomfortable yet.

Today marks one year on my current job, 14 months in this city,   

There is a one year “probationary” period here, so I assume this means I am now “permanent” or whatever they may call it.  

What I really like is that the job always has something to learn.  Although it can be frustrating also, I always run into some situation where a completely new situation requires a completely new challenge.  

When I look back two years (right before the work started on my teeth implants on Sept 5), there is no way I would have guessed where I would be in two years, certainly not sitting on the back patio here in the dark and the wind writing in my journal and feeling pleased that I even have some scrub trees to look at (although I can’t see them in the dark) instead of the backs of a bunch of houses.  

Probably what I have learned in even one year on the job about people and myself would have surprised me.  

To make matters more interesting, my Supervisor retired  effective August 31.

I realize change is necessary and a part of living, and overall is a positive thing, but the change of a Supervisor has always been a major change, whether it was positive, negative or neutral.  

Of course, it may be different now, since I am a piece of the jigsaw puzzle, not the person responsible for putting the jigsaw puzzle together.  Big difference to the tree, but not not the forrest I guess!

Walk this morning went good.  I am back to walking my normal walk, doing my normal exercises etc., but haven’t gotten back to swimming yet or bicycling. 

This coughing etc., just seems to last forever, Aliene has the same thing although maybe not quite as strong as I got it for several days.  Just enough to be irritating. 

As far as the changes in the past two years, I don’t know what I think of them.  Sometimes I think of it when people say that something happened “for the better”.  I honestly can’t say  that.  I can say I don’t mind where I am at now..

I enjoy my job, the house etc., but I always will think of the other road which could have happened also.  Note I said “think”, not “dwell”.  I really don’t worry about it, because it can’t be changed, and I had some experiences I would never have had otherwise with people, my current job, the trip to China etc.  

Anyway, another dream yesterday, a little different than past ones.  
9 1 15 Dream

Dream 9 1 15

Dreamed living in a very dense neighborhood area, I believe in independent houses, but dense.

Sitting outside my neighbors would be yelling at me to not take pictures or loiter or look in the windows. I could hear them but couldn’t yell bak to them I was on my own property.

One (or more) of my neighbors would keep yelling “Sir” and than some kind of instructions.  

A parade of actors (kind of like as character such as the White Rabbit, a pencil etc.) came past on the street.

It was like we were living in a downtown district with lot of activity.

A lot of neighbor activity also.

Every once in a while, something would happen, I’m not sure what, like a bell ringing and then the parade word come past.  

Seemed to be in the dark, not sure if late night or early morning.  Didn’t recognize any of the neighbors or characters .

Not an unpleasant or scary dream, actually a rather placid and calm dream. 

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