Sunday, September 27, 2015

Fall 2015 September 27 Sunday

64 degrees this morning.  No walk, due to special assignment where I will walk a lot.  

Only walked about 7 miles yesterday, although that is still more than I normally do, and I wouldn’t want to add 3 miles of my morning walk to that. 

One problem is that I don’t know exactly how long or how much I have to walk and even if I had experience in this, it could change based on the circumstances.  

I am very glad I bought some decent walking shoes.  (I am wearing my “old” good walking shoes for the special assignment.  My feet thank me very much.)

Another  case of where buying “the best” or at least not going the cheap  route is shoes.  I expect I would have been paying a lot more money for doctor bills and operations if I hadn’t switched shoes when I did.  

I am on my second pair of “good” shoes for walking, so I use my previous pair for causal walking and daily use.  

64 degrees and it is still comfortable out here on the back patio.  This is great, although I don’t know what it would be like if the wind were blowing.  Well, I do know and I don’t even want to think about it!

Looking at iPhone pricing, somehow the pricing seems to change by the minute (at least with ATT).  While I have had no problems with my past iPhone purchases with ATT, I have learned to watch for hidden fees, “got you’s” and sudden charges from other carriers. 

T-Mobile got to me on some iPad service and I will never use T-Mobile again, no matter what they say. I think it goes “cheat me once, shame on you, cheat me twice, same on me!  

Basically T-Mobile said “free service for life of the iPad” but somehow “free” became $10 a month.  Maybe still not bad, but not what the agreement was.  So, I don’t even consider T-Mobile.  

The Apple lease plan looks fairly up front, but I’m reserving my opinion until I have more details.  My mind boggles at ATT with it’s “trade in after 24 months, 30 payments” or “trade in after 12 months, 18 payments”!  I have to wonder, are they saying I need to make 30 payments or 6 more payments after I trade it in, or, more likely, they add the total of six more months after your next plan.  Not only that, but the price seems to change every time I look at it.  

If they mean you can trade it in after 12 months or own it after 18 months, it doesn’t make a lot of sense to trade it in after 12 months when you can own it outright (and sell it or keep it) after 18 months.

I’ve learned anything I don’t understand (and isn’t in writing) , don’t do!  

We probably are getting ready to go “cell phone only”, at least think about it.  It seems the wired phone plans have so many fees and unexpected costs, it is difficult to even see what it costs.  It is just a con game  Like I mentioned before, we “have” to take the “unlimited calls to Mexico”, even though we never call Mexico,and in the unlikely event we do, we’ll just pay for the call!  

Just like the cell phone taxes for providing free service for lower income people and internet service to school etc.  I hardly disagree with that, but why do cellphone users have to pay for it?  To me it should be general tax item.  I know of a school that  was cheated  into installing “free” cable system costing over a million dollars that was never used!  Who knows, it probably wouldn’t have worked anyway!

Wrote down a very short part of a dream that I remembered.  I forgot most of it.  

9 28 15 Dream Saturday 
For some reason I was trying to check out a truck to use at a  business, I”m not what quite sure.  It was one of those jeep like vehicles.

I ha apparently used it before without any problems, but this time, the guard checked everything very careful and was doubtful about me using it.  (We were going to use it for for a volunteer event or program?

The same thing had just happened before (in the dream) also, although I don’t recall what happened

That’s it for now, Sunday, September 27, 2015. 

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