Friday, March 04, 2016

2016 Winter March 4 Friday

39 degrees this morning, Walk 36:23 minutes (estimated) 

Walk time is estimated since I forgot to stop the stop watch as I finished my walk!

We are finding we are recycling about 3x and maybe 4x what we are throwing away. 

We have a “big blue” for trash that is picked up weekly and a “big green” (105 gallons) that is picked up every other week.  We normally have about one bag of trash and almost fill up the “big green” every week.  

We’ll probably have to get another “big green”, or I will just throw away the excess recycling, but I don’t believe I can bring myself to do that.  

Of course, right now recycling isn’t very lucrative.  I doubt it was ever that lucrative but it definitely isn’t a major money maker now due to the low prices of products. 

It does feel good to know we can put almost anything recyclable in the recycling.  In the past city, we couldn’t recycle cardboard or plastic (even if it was designated as recycling) etc.  

Probably that was one reason over 80% of the people recycle in this city (although I’m not sure if I believe it is actually that high on a regular basis) versus 18% in the past City.  

Of course the stupid (to put it bluntly) use of the open bins in an area where the wind blows even the bins off, much less the recycling tends to discourage recycling!  

We are rapidly finding our favorite restaurant may be about a mile from out house!  The food is really good there.  Of course, we have our favorites throughout the area, depending on our mood and who we are eating with. 

On another subject, I recently read that the “toe fungus” drug being peddled so heavily on TV doesn’t mention that the drug costs about $1800 per month and is only about 20% effective after 48 weeks!

Of course, the objective of the ads are to get people to try to get their doctors to prescribe this expensive (and ineffective) drug so they can change insurance companies.  Not to belittle any medical problem (although I”m not eve sure what toe fungus is!), it seems this is an abuse of the system!

I received some excellent information on alternatives to “GERD”, which I have.  (Also known as “heartburn” although I think GERD may be more chronic and serious.  

Many of the drugs are unbelievably expensive (and frequently not approved by insurance companies), but they are also are not designed for normal long-term use.  

I found this out several years ago when I was advised that the medicine I had taken for almost six years (Prevacid) lowered my immune system and had some other undesirable side affects.  I switched, but only after going “cold turkey” and realizing the withdrawal effects.
I have to think that “covering” up the symptoms  like I was having after stopping the drug was hardly good for me, better to treat the causes.

My cousin sent me an excellent link that reviewed the dangers of many of the heartburn drugs (especially when taken for the long term).  I will try some of the alternatives and note the results here, as well as try some behavior modification.

I believe that the GERD may partially be the cause of my coughing that I may be able to reduce by behavior modification and trying some of the “alternative” products available and changes in eating etc.

Getting back into swimming again, hopefully can go again today.  I forgot how enjoyable it is until I start swimming again!

Currently on tune 780 of 6544 on my original iPod. Alan Jackson “Living on Love”.

That’s it for now, Friday, March 4, 2016.

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